
Classic to see Lifehacker, known to be a bit left-leaning and certainly full-on Greta-worshiper, telling the internet how to REMOVE the flow restriction devices...which were put in place not to save money...but to save the planet. Remember? Or maybe the writers are too young to remember.


Political theater at its finest.

Best to collect tweets from AOC for a list of “sound like an ass” words. A plethora, to say the least.

...”the [Hollywood] rich seem to lose their morals, critical thinking skills, and even their understanding of basic social contracts...” sadly presumes such things existed to start.

Whaaa? A warning for GRINDR?

I’m with you all the way, except the “...used to believe that kids acted a certain way because of how they were parented, but have since learned that this relationship works in the other direction.”

Sadly your voice of intelligentlyplanning ahead” will get slaughtered by the snowflake-driven Lifehacker site.

Just to keep everyone honest here:

You are taking a big leap of faith that Rapinoe possesses the intelligence and maturity to make such a statement (ironically, she has the exact same flaws as our President). Schoolyard nanner-nanner at best. Wish they would just play soccer, shut their mouth, and keep politics out of it.

Sadly, two brain cells takes both Olivia and her parents out of the pool...

Even better, a photo sitting on an erg (a rowing machine) for a spot on the team as a coxswain...the one position on the boat that does NOT row.

Her comments are the strongest proof I’ve seen that IQ is hereditary.

Right up there with lowering a passing grade to 40%.

Loving the new “comedians trying to talk serious politics” shows on TV now (ie: Meyers, Behar, Maher, Noah, etc.). Makes for good laughs - not so much content. I think Al Franken taught the country a good lesson - comedy & politics simply don’t mesh.

Awesome. Let’s hope they do it - just don’t separate the kids from the parents while in detention - we all know that’s immoral (now).

Not buying the “had no knowledge” on the test scores. Huffman’s kid had to petition as having a fake disability to be granted two days to take the exams, in a room by herself. Her fellow students were questioning why she was getting the favorable treatment (read the complaint - it’s all out there). Kids should be

Best response from Nielsen’s tenure, when piled on about the “separating families” issue:

They knew - though in their defense, they are not very bright. This particular story will pass by the time we hit May, she changes her name a little, and continues on the same ParisHilton/KUWTK-infused Hollywierd life that (remarkably) allows to exist today. 

We’re talking 1.5% of the population here, so let’s be sure we all understand the demand for such accommodations (are you advocating special treatment?) is small.