It seems a little weird that the NEA has decided that a German Jew active during WWII is a major threat to “diversity,” particularly given that there’s been nothing from them on Roald Dahl’s virulent antisemitism as far as I can find.
It seems a little weird that the NEA has decided that a German Jew active during WWII is a major threat to “diversity,” particularly given that there’s been nothing from them on Roald Dahl’s virulent antisemitism as far as I can find.
The problem with using negative reinforcement is that it damages your relationship with the person. If they feel negative around you, they are less likely to spend time with you and less likely to listen.
It does not work. It sets in motion a chain reaction. A person is shamed, and then lies in wait for his shamer to slip up, so that he can do some shaming right back. It grows outward, in a negative way, picking up more people (like Katamari) from there.
I’ve stopped following positive tests for just the reason you state and started following hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths. They should not be nearly as dependent on more widespread testing. They are a much better measure of how dangerous it is because the biggest danger remains overloading the health…
The problem is there is no fix for this broken pipe, at least not yet. All we CAN do is tape it up until we CAN fix it. We can’t let people go homeless because they’re out of work (or can’t run their own businesses) because they’re being locked down.
It was always going to get worse. The point of the lockdown was to keep the strain off the hospitals. Most hospitals are back to pre-corona levels so now we can open things back up slowly and the hospitals won’t be overloaded. If they start getting overloaded we cinch back down again for a bit.
But let’s be honest...everyone loves breasts!
All lives matter. Equally.
How he’ll pay for it: Impose a Wall Street speculation tax that will raise $2.4 trillion over 10 years. That tax would be 0.5% tax on stock trades, 0.1% on bond trades, and .005% fee on derivative trades.
Spot on. It was clear to anyone with more than two brain cells as soon as the story broke.
Yeah, I’m not sure why this is being treated as breaking news. This was clear if you read the indictments. The only reason it was even in question was due to people looking to absolve the pretty, well-off white girl from any responsibility.
That’s exactly what that says. If you can’t understand or tolerate the viewpoint as to why someone might be anti-abortion, even if you disagree with them, then you lack intellectual honesty. To me, the persons that get their news only from Fox or only from MSNBC are the same.
“This really is a family matter.”
Oh, no. This little scheme is not even remotely a “family matter.” How can you even argue that with a straight face (even if they’re paying you to do so)?
but also outraged [by] people who are saying that they are cheaters.
I am not sure Steve Scalise nor Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez understand Marginal Tax Rates...AND that is the REAL problem
This is the single immigration thing I’ve always been confused about. It provides some really weird incentives that will probably result in very legally awkward families. I’m fine with offering protections of various sorts for pregnant women, but like...anchor babies have always struck me as a sort of side exception…
There’s not going to be any revolt. Most Americans are completely unaware of this mass inequality. Their idea of being current on politics is yelling on Facebook about who is flying a flag and how high, and whether or not people are standing in front of it or kneeling in front of it.
Immigration lawyer Andrew Free:
Real asshole move on your part. But hey - why be the better man - or woman - when you can just keep feeding the hate/hysteria . . . You stooped right to their level. Feel good down there ?