
It doesn’t make that era of the show good.

Shame, someday they’ll realize that Moffat has truly been one of the best writers (if not the best) that Who has ever had.

Ok, what I hate about the “there’s no minorities nominated” gnashing of teeth is that no one ever says WHY one of their examples of snubbees deserved to be nominated over one of the ones that were nominated. There’s a limited number of nominees, right, so if a minority deserved it, who DIDN’T? Did Idris Elba deserve

I loved The Force Awakens, a lot...

Yeah, I get what he’s saying and I’m sure he believes it, but I don’t buy it. I don’t think the movie needed to be so similar to A New Hope. It certainly didn’t need to be to be successful: the prequels made loads of money even though they weren’t very similar at all (or as well liked). Star Wars is one of the most

They are incredibly massive animals. I grew up in an area with quite a few buffalo and have always had a healthy respect for them. Then I saw one chase a grizzly bear. I am officially scared of anything that chases a grizzly bear.

Star Wars The Force Awakens and Jurassic World. For the same reason: worse-than-the-original-remakes disguised as sequels. Sad to see audiences swallow such a shallow strategy, setting back support for creativity and experimentation in movies for years.
Have fun with ‘’Indiana Jones V: Shmaiders of the Lost Shmark’’

Considering I only saw 3 films in theatres in 2015:

What a letdown after a really compelling first season.

The Force Awakens was a let down for me. It seemed like a hollywood remake rather than an original story.

Wouldn't that imply one expected it to be good in the first place?

“He didn’t do anything. If he really cared he would have created the movies himself.”

I understand why he’s bitter, but I also understand why my kids throw tantrums. It still doesn’t make them correct behavior. He refuses to accept that he made a tremendous misstep in the development of the prequels, and that he got into bed with a company that took steps to rectify those mistakes.

I hate starwars physics....son and I are rewatching the 1st 6 movies, we are on 3rd, wtf is going on with writers when space craft fall like in the atmosphere! I feel the same way about this armor “polished to reflect radation....stupidity of that statement makes me gag! It should be polished to reflect/dissipate

Love this pic but i want to know how that one trooper knew that he was the traitor and was the only trooper with a lightsaber thwarting weapon. I suppose that he Could have uplinked out through his helmet hud. That would have been searching a database of wanted criminals less than a second.

Sorry but “The French Connection” in 1999?

Hate to be that guy, but...

I have a friend in Nicaea who says the editing was done by committee.

SERIOUSLY! I wanted to read that book since the fans are crazy about it, and they won’t shut up about it. Well, the prologue and the appendices go on forever! That’s great world building but do I really need to know how to properly sacrifice a lamb! So I’m almost through the main plot (apparently there are 3 fan fics