
agreed. and just as a head’s up, if you haven’t read the book, do so. it’s a far better story direct from Gaiman.

Not exactly a complaint, but there are an awful lot of picture books on this list to make people fall in love with reading again.

Do NOT understand why people find Zoolander funny. Ben Stiller hasn’t been funny since the Ben Stiller Show.

I think they’ve been influenced, in a bad way, by the way in which Doctor Who and Sherlock seem to feel that most stories must be about the Doctor and Holmes, rather than about the central mystery. A mistake in all three series, but especially with regard to Mr Bond.

I don’t know the specific title or author, because it was almost 20 years ago. But when I was in middle school, we read a short story about a woman, who people called a witch, who knew the 3 secret/magic words about every person that described them and only them. A general in the local war tried to force her to tell

Taught me that there is the emotional way of looking at things {McCoy}

I’ve never really understood why C.J. Cherryh is so invisible in discussions of SFF. She’s been writing pretty high quality stuff for such a long time, but I don’t recall seeing her get that many mentions in retrospective articles, compared to Ursula K LeGuin or even Anne McCaffery.

I mean, I understand the why she’s

Then don’t read his reviews. Problem solved.

“Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home.”

I don’t think SJ has anything to do with that trend. That trend has everything to do with the current state of publishing, which has become more and more risk averse.

They are real images from a group of Girl Scouts (from Oklahoma) who were already known as Supergirls for stuff they’ve done or causes they’ve championed. They’ve already been to the White House.

This was not a film.

If the left wing conspiracy exists, they clearly would have eased back in stuffing the ballot during this Sad Puppy era to devalidate the claim that ballot stuffing exists, thus proving to they don’t exist!

The original design that was turned down....

Unless they come up with something incredibly cool and exciting- I personally don’t want a sequel.

Your soldiers have to come home, some of them

So now apparently “It’s clobberin’ time” is a thing Ben Grimm’s abusive older brother used to say just before beating him up.

Sadly, it’s just as dire for LGBTQ visibility too—GLAAD’s annual report about representation, released in April this year, confirmed just 19 of the the 4,610 characters in the top 100 films of 2014 identified as Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual (none identified as Transgender)