
Or even more cunningly they could have just stood there and turned the pikes into kindling. Steel vs wood only one outcome.

Creator I nominated C J Cherryh, who for both quality and longevity/output hands down cleans the floor with several of the names already in the Hall.


“Dubai’s skyline is an ever-growing collection of impressive towering skyscrapers, including the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world. And you know what loves tall buildings even more than tourists do? Lightning.”

Much better

Yes the second Chronicles did blather a bit whist the Last Chronicles just so smacked of filler and publishing greed that I am still trying to work out why I lasted until the end of the second book.

There is plenty of shorter fiction out there to enjoy...unless you are a fantasy reader in which case it is very difficult to find a decent standalone story of say 300-400 pages. Meanwhile bookstore shelves groan under the weight of 8000 page 10 volume efforts to tell one single (usually formulaic, based on Tolkein

Same with GoT. Interesting to note that one of the episodes to get a nod is the episode that caused so many (snigger snigger) to stop watching.

Amongst all the (deserved) love for Tatiana let’s not forget an acting job on the show that is every bit as good as hers and just as thoroughly deserving of an awards nod - Jordan Gavaris

Which brings up a major problem with me. Where did android come from? Obviously not previously with the ship or it would know more about the crew members. Memory wiped like the crew, given the glitchy nature of the ship records I don’t see how they restored any functionality let alone complete without major problems.

The unsullied? that over-rated pack of useless pricks (pun intended). Just to hit the high points of their failings as an ‘elite’ fighting force.

Ah but remember the outline - 5 shall survive.

I think the other tactical mistake here is doing in front of his entire army. I wonder how much smaller that army will be by tomorrow.

For some reason watching last night all the exterior shots in Camp Castor got me thinking boxes within boxes within boxes.

No but I am put off by the uploader not making the trailer available in New Zealand. So I can only assume that NBC don’t need/want the money from selling it to this country. Then they and the local TV channels have the fucking GALL to take my ISP to court for promoting Global Mode. FUCK THEM!!

Well they do have to leave room for the next version of Americas Got The X Voice Idol. Or a new original series featuring dipshits, preferably redneck, creating useless objects while pointlessly arguing with each other. Or a ‘fly on the wall “documentary”/reality series featuring such boons to mankind as the

Disagree. Far too often when Spader was talking all I heard was Red Reddington. Not just the voice but the entire phrasing/inflection/everything.

There was a race? Guess someone forgot to tell the US!

And doesn't she look sooo thrilled to be sitting on Uncle Lavrenti's lap.

Not only no sequel, No Reboot, Remake, Re-imagining. Nothing - Just leave it the &%$@ alone OK Hollywood!