
In the long run, he probably saved his kid a lot of maintenance headaches.

As people age they get gray, whether they are approved or not. It’s the YEARS that make you gray, ahem.

Fully forwardly functioning female here but I get all ice-cream-on-a-hot-sidewalk when some gent offers the open door, or a hand to help me off a high curb, etc. That old fashioned sweetness is rarer than the unicorn. I’m not adverse to returning the gesture to an elderly person trying to climb into a bus or a capable

Heather Bresch got a MBA where she only attended a portion of the classes, then didn’t bother to show up anymore yet got the degree (Her degree was retracted and it cost the President of the University his job). It helps to have a father in high places. I’m guessing she skipped out on her Business Ethics course.

In my experience, anacondas don’t want none unless they got buns, hun.

I think i found it’s “landing anchor”,

Airships are very impractical but far from pointless. I dare you to try come up with a more efficient per ton/mile, zero infrastructure, site to site transport system. I can't argue the helium part, but I can run the numbers on an equivalent steam powered system if you need it.

I’d like to think their moral centers simply will not allow them to represent this human piece of garbage. My best guess, though, is that Cosby is losing his mind to dementia and quite simply feels absolutely no guilt over what has to be hundreds of rapes he’s committed in his life and is an unlit match, willing and

This is why you have to wear your seat belt while sitting in your seat, and why you shouldn’t get up to pee when the captain turns the seatbelt sign on. Generally, they aren’t just fucking with you. Seatbelts keep your body from hitting the ceiling when you hit turbulence.

Is Tyler Durden going to check up on all of them in a few months to see if they enrolled in veterinary school as well?

If you don’t wear a seat-belt while riding in an aluminum tube traveling through the atmosphere at 550MPH, you are f’ing stupid.

Am I the only one who thinks the DeltaWing is totally stupid? It was a stupid ugly unreliable race car to begin with, and now they’re trying to make it into a stupid ugly road car. Just let it die a peaceful death already...

You scoff, but these are the same sales tactics those weird bearded men in funny clothes used to get me to buy the horse and buggy that’s now rotting away in my backyard. Yeah, it doesn’t run on gas, but it turns out you need to feed the darn thing to keep it running.

For what it’s worth, Nestle are Swiss.

“Small government.”

I like the whole concept of weaving on the spot, but for these to really be effective they’ll have to find a better way to move them around than vacuums. If they have to stick to a relatively flat surface, then you still have to build them a flat surface to stick on, and you might as well just build the whole thing