
My father was a Cadillac guy. In 1981 he bought what he thought was an Eldorado Biarritz edition. The dealer had basically taken a regular Eldorado and put after market wheels on it, fake badges, and charged him for a Biarritz. This would be the equivalent of, say, Slapping an S on a base model Porsche and painting

Something that bothers me about all of the coverage of Daniel Holtzclaw is that I haven’t seen and heard enough about the gorgeous human being who brought him to justice: Jannie Ligons. I’ve endured every angle of Holtzclaw’s rage-y, deflated mug, and haven’t heard enough about the first police complaint, the first

This is why it failed:

Now playing

Hum... I think this guy weights more than 134.5 pounds

Such a relevant data point. It must be her business experience that leads her to focus on the important stuff. What a great leader.

Women will complain about anything these days. It’s like, if you don’t want to have your face ejaculated on, don’t injure your shoulder...seems pretty simple to me.

Increasingly unlikeable zillionaires starring in and directing a billion dollar movie financed by the motion picture industry, which is only a little less repellent than the military industry, about the working class being squeezed by the unethical efforts of the One Percent.

It fits just one way because it’s raised for the cam drive on one end of the cover - you can see the well on the other side where the coil is sitting. Here’s what’s underneath.

Now playing

It’s Log, It’s Log it’s big it’s heavy it’s wood! It’s Log, it’s better than bad it’s good!

SoulCycle, “disruptive,” and a picture of a dropped (thrown? rejected?) cupcake.

I was literally screaming this morning that Donald Trump is the fucking Sunkist soda tinted devil because he has brought me to the point in my life where I think Dick Cheney is being a rational human being.

Dear Donald,

You guys, if I read Trump’s entire existence as satire, do you think it would help, or would it just make me mad because it wouldn’t be very good or entertaining satire?

You go to the city and pay a small fee for a permit to use their otherwise worthless piece of land. OR just cut the chain keeping the gate closed, do your thing and get out before the cops show up. Depends on how you feel about being legal.

Sometimes, when I’m driving to work, I think that I’d rather have a disabling accident than live through another week of bullshit. Not the same thing? Okay, I have nothing to offer here. Bless it, as we say here.

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