
a bit too “trigger” happy of a response. he didn’t make the “funny” song about rape. he made a reference to a meme generally regarded as a humorous response to someone being fantastic on TV

BMW 2002 (but the Ghia if no new suggestions are accepted)

“He looks like a guy that has daddy’s money, just knows everything about cars, and can get whatever the fuck he wants. ”

Ole Jack Trimmer... sumvabitch owes me money, since spring break ‘86

can’t stand her, but her material was decent and she was a helluva *“good sport” to sit there and take crap like that (*good sport = sexual partner who will try anything at least once, like get a$$-raped onstage by a bunch of “comedians”)

“senior moment” for sure, low blood sugar, tired, etc. - its plausible that he was flat-footed simply because it came out-of-context. but “bad optics” anyway, and still danger donnie darko gets a pass on all his bloviating bluster - Lauer hacked it out last night with little strumpet ‘cause the exercs have learned ,

Maybe all the Russian dash cams have inured me, but this is all very tame. Stuff anyone would experience or see driving around anywhere. Complete meh...

Biker. I see same all the time myself, while pedestrian or biking, or driving - idiots do it everywhere all the time

It is natural anomaly, stop jizzing nerds

Macy’s will advertise a sweater at a “normal price” of $120, but then they put it “on sale” for $70 for 23 days of the month, making it look like “deal,” bu tit’s not at all. This is the same shit here. Now the “generic, ” which Mylan also makes, costs 5X as much as the “brand name” used to be. We’re supposed to see

Dad is both a little-bitch and a BULLY (A common combo...). Seems he’s spoiled his kids into not giving AF too...

so nice they can give a rapist his own day!

Vlad must be thrilled

trumpy is extrinsic stress

Seems a fairly tame test drive. A little long to make sure the AC is working (first 5 minutes will tell you the AC is working in FL)

Must not have read “A Fish Out of Water” -

I enjoyed the “dead Snow” sequel 88% as much as the first

I get it. Super-duper low-profile. Wouldn’t be surprised if there is armor he’s not telling us about. Smart “high value” individuals treasure such anonymity (safety) and get to do it wrapped in fresh leather & alloys with an LS3 humming under the hood? I’ll take that road-trip. In a car most would mistake for a police