
big balls, genius


you actually hear the wind noise ripping over the vehicle before you hear any engine noise!

Weirdly, several times on “broadcast” TV I have seen the specific “bite the turd” scene edited out. They’ll show all kinds of violence, etc. but a guy eating a Baby Ruth mistaken as a turd is too “offensive”...?

“family values” in my good ole home

exactly. On a skateboard, you are NOT a pedestrian. Off the board, you ARE.

Thanks. I thought to myself “if he was riding in the x-walk, he’s in the wrong...” Also recently read a lengthy article from a lawyer (think on Jalopnik.. looking) about the bottom line advice for a driver “never hit a person”, or do your best not to, even if they jaywalk/etc.

In MA it is illegal to enter (with vehicle) a crosswalk while a pedestrian is in, or still within 10 feet of, the crosswalk - “Failure to yield right of way” is the ticket the McLaren driver would’ve gotten here. ($100 fine & “points” - not sure how many - on your license)

After buying a used BMW 328 convertible, I came to realize (quickly) that other drivers ALWAYS assume I’m a douchebag (not), so I drive with that in mind. McLaren drivers should keep the same in mind 47x (don’t be a crosswalk violating douchebag). Not to give the skaterboarder a free pass, but crosswalks are a very

FALSE (10 year owner of 2007 Element). There is normal padding/sound-deadening underneath the plastic mat. You can’t hose them out. It would be ruined. The 2 front seats ARE said to be “waterproof, ” but that is it as far as hose-ability goes

do this on a cold day and the adhesive will release from the paint petter

McLaren SLR replacement

It fools you as you drive closer, ‘cause it’s so big you think “oh it’s 1/4 mile away..” No, it’s still 5 miles away.

I KNOW that kid... (his dad beat him a lot... or something...)

Now playing

More & creative swearing always helps too - Malcom Tucker knows it well -

shot in the dark: “family values republican.” (now I go verify) Surprise! I’m right!

“I know. I’ll just make things up..” or the publisher/editor “needs more action,war. etc., work it over and bring it back next week” How does anyone in this day and age think they can get away with fictionalizing their life?

So so local police will show up to shoot the firefighters, yes?

American treasures, both. Hope she gets paid more...