I always like to imagine the meeting which precedes anything like this:
I always like to imagine the meeting which precedes anything like this:
Not always. They can be hard-ass, but I’ve had one in a “low profile” (aka: unmarked) Ford Expedition - who, all truth be told, I unwittingly flew past on my very fast 800cc sport bike, knitting through medium weight speed-limit-plus-traffic, me doing an extra 15 to everyone else’s, 85 let’s call it. This guy (50's…
an 18 year-old bike being slowly cobbled together into a race bike by an amateur privateer racer (who is carrying a LOT of extra “ballast”) vs. 2 brand new purpose-built high performance vehicles, one of which is at least a half-million $ current season professional racecar? seems like a sensible comparison... (not)…
Better check & see if Terry Bollea has a late-model Honda registered in Bellvue, WA
thanks for the history lesson, but again, anybody is allowed to make-up anything they want - artistically speaking. So if someone says “this is my family crest” well then that IS their family crest
hard-line-conservative-(closeted-gay-man) still does not compute... and from South Carolina to boot (which ironically seems less conservative than North Carolina today - I used to live in NC and formerly wanted to move back there to Asheville, but oh well.. so I’m allowed to judge them)
“...the Trump “family crest,” which has no historical significance at all,...” ALL family crests are made-up, and at one point had no historical significance at all. Not that I’m a fan or defender of this ass clown in any way.
technology to disrupt/damage the performance (and safety) of other riders is cheating. plain and simple
reminds me of the time I chopped down two large trees using nothing but a 1985 Mazda RX-7. As is this case, it’s a one-shot deal
“Cahnt eat lawbstah every day” - she’s amazing and incredibly subtle about her politeness-based face-to-face-confrontation-attack-method. just keeps lowering her voice and being politely contrarian (and right too)
built-in infotainment systems (aka - a circa-2016 PC in your car) seem like nothing but future failures waiting to happen (imagine in 2030, trying to find the proper “software update” for your antiquated built-in infotainment system - in your 2016 “lifetime” Mustang GT convertible) No, keep my infotainment either “old…
3 session qualifying is a mini-race. No chance for anyone sand-bagging because unless they stay on pace through the session, they probably won;t be one of the last 2 racing in those last 90 seconds. It DOES sound exciting. We’ll see. (how will the engines sound though? anemic or terrifyingly-beautiful ?)
these cars are very fun to drive. feel quite fighter-jet from inside. Not the fastest, but still fun and cool-looking, very “’80s”. A little too CP maybe, but in the right area for negotiating.
they were right in not tipping the guy, a totally ignorant & douche-y thing to say/do on his part (presuming Japanese Immigrant - usually they are chefs at such places), but a better move on the part of the ladies would’ve been immediately “could you please go get your manager right now?” I know millennials have…
2011 BMW 3281 convertible. 16,000 miles, still under warranty. I paid 27k. Less than a new Accord (or Subie Legacy, or Camry, or any mid-to-up-market-mid-size you’d name). Had a guy in an Ariel Atom shout “I’ll trade you”. This is about the most incognito luxury car you can roll up to & into any country club or posh…
fucking religion-superiority-hypocrisy. hate to break it to you, but all this religion shit is just fiction created by human beings who were too ignorant and scared (and too arrogant “we MUST be important! not just another animal or bug which is part of a larger ecosystem...”) to face simple questions like “Daddy, why…
people who actively add locking nuts (after market) & then go for any kind of tire service know (mostly) they are on the wheels, and these folks are mostly smart enough to keep the key in the “glove box.” People who have no idea they had locking nuts, also had no idea the very many other optional things added to their…
it’s also quite clearly “we already know this much about guys named Andrew Nier, please confirm which one you are so we can further manage your profile..”
guarantee that there are more “Andrew Niers” out there in the world, and somewhere, at least one of them is saying YES to a question all the others are saying NO to
JFCWTF WTFMFWTFAYT! “suicidal person alert” - “OK, let’s go shoot them...” UK police regularly deal with “disoriented”/drunk knife-wielders, and those cops (mostly) DON’T carry a side arm - first-aid: check, mace: check, radios: check , personal-safety-vest (bullet/knife proof): check, hi-viz-vest: check, the ability…