
A GUY named Dennis ‘Chip’ Wilson, lamenting that it’s no longer a women’s store? hmm. tone deaf. totally. not too unlike marco rubio running around constantly saying, about all the others “they’ll say anything to get elected..”

too much nanny CDC, why not instead give us something more concrete than the sensationalistic news about the GDMF-ing Zika virus? (I know, they’re doing what they can, but the media’s virus-fear-mongering has already gone off the charts. On a scale of 1-11, it’s at Kylo Ren...

Now playing

Anyone NOT up to something bad will say “hey! fucking bird just got my drone!..” anyone up to something bad will simply press the extra button on their remote (designed-in because they saw/read that this “training” was underway..) which will send an electric current through wires on the exterior of the drone, which

“I, a voluntarily participant in these processes WHO GOT CAUGHT VIOLATING THE LAW, am perfectly comfortable with my attack on the 1st amendment, the reporter, and her use of 1st amendment to to ask a “public official” whether he is a thief or not.. I feel totally justified ‘cuz she was a bitch (never mind that I am am

big deal - in just the last few nanoseconds I ran a simulation in whichI made the Kessel run in less than 11 parsecs. <11! My brain is so much faster than any simulation Google can run (because this is ALL already a simulation folks.. we’re not “real”...)

A bold stand, thank you. there are many (generally older, born pre-1960-ish-er) for whom these classic lines strike an instant meaning “hot rod.” - and many car folks of all ages would argue un-endingly that “these - a genuine ‘little deuce coupe’ - are the very origin of the word “hot rod.” Just remember “Big

I’d say a GP2 title is more impressive than a single F1 win, but WTF do I know? I’ll never have either (I coulda been a contenda Ma!)

the dudes in the truck were all on the way back from a successful meth-cook (and tasting, yum!) together, and as such, were completely tweaked and a-little-too-violently inveighed against the camera person and his comrades. there, splained it!

Here in the Commonwealth of MA (yeah, we’re not a “state” technically, but a “commonwealth”) it is illegal - like may other places - for the dealers to put any non-factory badges on a new car without the owner’s consent - this is mostly aimed at the dealer badges you see on almost every car (and this law should also

Maybe they can try a mono-wheel “car” design next..

Ugh, I detest that vehicle. Stop with the bad dynamics - bad, bad, bad fucking dynamics...- if you’re going to run a “trike,” run it backward”<- with 2 wheels in front/1 in rear - <- that is the most-stable way to leverage a the triangular footprint to work with/against the cornering forces. Remember Road Atlanta

Sounds like the engineering would have to have been impressive - it must work well enough to justify the risk of it being there, and it has to be so small/hidden to (hopefully, by the cheaters) avoid detection. He denial is simply not believable (you know, like Christie re: Bridge-gate..) It is geniunelyu hard to

I love German engineer-thinking (and, thank fuck Hitler was crazy, they had all the best stuff..) which seems to be “what’s the most-complex and engineeringly-impressive way to accomplish something? (in this case. propel a vehicle with no one in it: 1) gravity/big hill 2) cables/pulleys with weights or a cable-driven

it’s possible that Honda could find/leverage a specific piece of non-public data - if such were exposed in the comments - and then be able to say “yes” it’s one of our people, but that’d still be the end of it. “Nope, we have nothing to tell you, it’s a Honda internal matter, leave us alone” - while I hear a lot of

Can I suggest a different headline “Healthcare should not be a for-profit (i.e. - deathly extortive) industry... anywhere... ever.. we should all treat each other with decency....” (we’re not here on this planet to perpetrate such things against one another.. we’re just not...)

I take the under, <10 days until we find out that this is a fake

the nfl is an “entertainment” corporation which, we’ve finally “discovered” as it’s primary activity, slowly murders people

who’s a good boy? you are, you are!

and “they can do it”doesn’t make it constituional, nor “right”, but once done, the burden of undoing is a much greater burden than preventing it ever would have been

they’re dancing on the thin line of “states rights”. CO, WA, OR, etc. have legal weed.. well then.... X amount of heavily xtian-influenced states can ban abortion (it’s fucking draconian and stupid, but they can do it nonetheless...)