
Would it have been more cost-effective to simply “purchase” $34 million in water? (from Nestle presumably...) and how great a quantity would that be?

I love my Audi (1998 A4 2.8 quattro, 140k) and at times I hate my Audi, but in 17 years of ownership it’s a lot more love than hate.

These “public auctions” have simply become the new-defacto “used car show rooms.” All to often they are simply about driving the price irrationally higher & higher. The lack-of-provenance reminds me a bit of when Barrett-Jackson was going to hawk a fake JFK Navy Ambulance, which IIRC they ultimately pulled from the

Psst.. typo...

Drool, drool, drool....

Helmet, gloves, jacket, kevlar reinforced jeans & sunglasses. PITA when it’s warm, but that ONE time you don’t...

cuncha bunts

too bad none of this strips away his million$ he gained while making us believe he was Mr. Nice-Guy. He should be penniless along with being shamed.

you defensibly call anything a “race car” & tell me I can drive it - anywhere, parking lot, race track, public street - my answer is “yes”, and given a good risk/reward analysis, I will push the damn thing. I can see spending a day wearing this critter out. It’s definitely a race car.

~~~TIME TRAVEL~~~~ (~= time travel) to the future. 40 years from now when the son of George P. Bush (JEB’s son) is running for President and he keeps being asked if his family’s fortune (largely made through “blind trust” ownership of the Carlyle Group) are ill-gotten gains from gov’t contracts and is constantly asked

1992 Ford Escort - drove the piss out of that car - cross-country (USA) 2x - used as a “delivery” vehicle in Los Angeles (TV show production asst. - once chased Ed O’neill on “Fountain” in his Viper across Hollywood - darting through traffic, etc. his Viper was hindered by the traffic volume...) Had the rare “luxury”


I’d throttle that motor...

lay those at the feet of the producers/director - the editors are simply doing what they are told

coffee-shooting-from-nostrils-snark. Love it!

you cannot “just hose out” a Honda Element... as many people have asked/commented about mine (it has absorbent cloth-like sub-floor insulation/sound-deadening, just like most other cars - and no drain-holes)

I have driven a couple of these - at both BMW auto-cross & public road”test drive” events. Absolute BEASTS which handle amazingly well. At “test drive” nice BMW-lady outlines a 12-mile loop which I am to follow. She checks the precise time when I leave & return. She looks at the numbers, pauses & says “wait.. how did

while spectacular, Powers’ effort was bone-headedly anti-aerodynamic

Of course “this car upsets the prancing horse” seems like a pretty easy read