
what about the health benefits of “chunky” peanut butter? There are lots of actual non-blended nuts in there. I’m talking “natural” no-sugar, no/low-salt. Because I’d swear that my 48 years of eating peanut butter almost every day is why I still have healthy hair (both older & younger brother substantially “balding”)

New reality show for Learning Channel - “I wanna be black”

Did it take Luca’s departure for Chris to be allowed back to Maranello?

No nannies, no stopping. this is the last of it’s kind and must continue. The racers go there knowing they are taking risks. 175 MPH (280 KPH) inches from ancient stone walls? Yes, it is very dangerous. Simply living life is a death sentence. Why not have some thrills while here?

Cucking Fops. “No I’m never wrong...”

The “driver” will be like the human in a “glass cockpit”. In a “glass cockpit” there is a human and a dog. The dog is there to bite the human if they try to touch the controls, and the human is there to feed the dog.

Inspiration Overdrive (aka: Roadnet)

What are the relative-scale-speeds those things are doing? and the actual speeds? 60 MPH/105 KPH velocity is around 88ft/second. A comment on the youtube page says they are going 170 KPH actual (105 MPH), so if the cars were 1:10 scale, that’d be 1700 KPH “scale” (1000+ MPH), yes?

Too bad they had to pack the whole thing full of pharmaceutical commercials, etc. - realistically the network truly USED these women and their ordeal as “click-bait” for their advertising (who are now selling a book they wrote, yes? certainly they deserve some recompense, but they’re still getting whored-out one way

I saw “Grand Prix of Alabama” in the guide on Sunday and my brain would just not compute (also, I thought they were on an oval...) so I couldn’t bring myself to watch it. It does not help that the cars now closely resemble a toy from 1980

This would be a lot more interesting if the car was competitive. But I have faith that Honda will resolve issues. Next year folks, next year.

so if I’m trotting across the driveway, and I trip & fall, will it deploy? or is it speed sensitive, etc?

I’m 10% into mine (frame, wheels) and am looking for a 100cc motorcycle engine (Honda XR, etc.) so I can have the advantage of gears.

When it all goes to shit CA$H will not get you anything, neither will gold - can’t eat it. You know what will get you ANYTHING you need? A 12-gauge shotgun, and even that is worthless without a lot of shells. stock up folks.

No fear at all. Love the rush of acceleration on takeoff, I stay buckled all the time. Sleep like a baby on planes (cry & wet myself - jk) Been through SEVERE turbulence multiple times (overheads opening, etc.), struck by lightning multiple times too. Have had multiple people say “you were so calm” - somebody has to

All the goal-scoring sports are about rape. “I’ll put my seed into your precious hole whether you like it or not” Football, Soccer, Hockey, Basketball, Golf, Cornhole (especially), Curling, Bocce... Baseball on the other hand, is about masturbating onto a dead hooker...

40 years from now we’ll all be cringing at the notion of bombarding ourselves with electrons/radiation like this (and wifi). If the device-use-linked-cancer(s) haven’t killed us yet, that is...

aww man, wasted 10 minutes reading this, oh well, on to Netflix!

Goddamn these whores and their wasteful spending in the name of "freedom". These motherfuckers are completely unchecked and this shit has to stop. "Ran out of money? oh well, spend more.."