
Let us not forget the environmental/ecological costs associated with the mining (and refinement & shipping) of the rare-earth minerals needed to produce these “clean technology” batteries. They don’t just pop out the butt of an eco-fairy.

She already has offices & flown-in staff living in Iowa...

YAY! high-school grad gamers can now use their smart phones for deployment-employment, while the DOD gets to continue-spending untold trillions killing brown people in the name of "freedom"

fupid cucking stunt

I love racing, cars, track action, etc. but please ease up on the hyperbole - this is pure misery

Oh Indiana... get some understanding of ethical behavior

HILARIOUS!!! "so, Chad, how did you lose a wheel off your Porsche?"

Fuck predatory towing companies. It starts out as "doing a service for the business who owns the lot" but then just becomes hunters laying-in-wait. Fuck them,

If a guy is eating a lot of pussy (check, frequent, voluntary, love it), it's not unfair that he expect reciprocity (not-check, very-infrequent, voluntary, she don't love it). Bottom line, don't tell me I HAVE TO to pick up the dog's shit, if you refuse to do so yourself. We're in this together. Let's be fair to each

A heavy dose of Laguna Seca across the comments. Helluva venue. I gotta drive it someday (have done soooo many virtual laps, I feel like I know it already)

Such a great series.

Have an Audi A4 in which the intermittent wipers work... (wait for it... wait for it..wait..,..) intermittently (as does cruise control, both are "known "stalk" problems)

We're still simply throwing rocks at each other

Yes, it's the oldest profession, but it's incredibly unlikely that anyone doing it truly "enjoys" their job. Not true you say? OK, any one of you. ANY of you, male, female, etc. could go on craigslist right now and before lunch time today could set up an "appointment" to let some rando put-it-in-you for $50 to $500.

He's not a "criminal", if anything, the biker committed civil violations. The cops don't have carte blanche to violate the laws they are SUPPOSED to uphold (oh yeah, AND obey themselves..). If you did the same to a cop on a motorcycle you'd be charged with attempted vehicular homicide.

Ugh.. NISSAN! I LITERALLY CAN'T EVEN!!! Stop with the inherently unstable design. Now, you wanna do something great, then the "reverse trike" 2-front/1-rear is the way to go. It's a supremely stable design, and it happens to copy nature aerodynamically as well, you know, like a rain drop is fat in the "front"/leading

alles klar herr kommissar....

Something of a testament to the strength motor (says the owner 1998.5 Audi A4 - 2.8 quattro w/130k miles on the odo - who feels guilty about his last oil change being 7400 miles ago...highway miles, seriously.. and just to church once a week)

after living 15 years in Boston, traveled to Cleveland on business, exact same suspicion of everyone I encountered "this rental-car guy/girl-at-radio-shack/rando-on-the-street/Dr-at-Cleveland-clinic (well, one Dr. there) is too nice... what the F##K are they up to..?"

Now playing

performs AMAZINGLY well hitting 70 mph (120 KPH) concrete barrier. Driver might have broken leg(s) ankle(s), but passenger could "walk away"