
I was LIVE poolside in '86 (the Texan) and '87 (uh...) and '88 with MTV. And at many times those events were outta hand (and I'd do it again). I recall an incident where one very large 300-lbs-college-football-defensive-lineman type fella was stumbling around at an "all you can drink" afternoon event - $3 for your

Dear Koresh above, the blatant irony of the "free market" website name. How dumb can they be?

Good. (I hope his contract has loopholes which allows him to keep $ if he retires for "health reasons") I've been a football fan all my life, up until recently (that Article The Atlantic did was a real eye-opener for me) http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archi… It's time we end this horror show of a PRIVATELY OWNED

one thing to remind the sanctimonious electric/hybrid drivers is that in most cases - aka: prius - the "carbon footprint" attached to just the manufacturing of the battery packs (mining of rare-earth metals in China (mostly), ore-shipping, refining/smelting, raw-material-shipping, manufacture, shipping of

..who resigned only a couple months into his 4th term after an attractive young campaign aide - he was rumored to be having an affair with - was found dead in his Panama City, FL "main" campaign office. This is "House of Cards" level stuff, but it's real - from Wikipedia (and plaenty if other sources) http://en.wikip

Pucking fossums!

Wow. This is big. - How about - Radiant-floor heating system using a saline solution & solar panels for heating. Systems flows without any electricity at all. So, what is the over/under on how long until an energy producer buys the patent and kills it?

the problem with any meta-study is that data desired to support any pro/con conclusion is very easily cherry picked (just as ALL the pharma companies do for their many meta-studies reports which seem to support the efficacy of a new cancer/whatever treatment). Meta-studies cannot be trusted.

Well, yeah, technically ALL names were made up somewhere "back in the day" (as are "titles", etc.)

Indeed. let us all remember that at some point in their family "history", some progenitor just made up the whole "we're royal" thing. Just because it is an old lie, doesn't make it any less a lie. (P.S. - I am a "Duke"... tee hee)

All these tools are slow-playing their entry, because they all know - the front-runner 18 months out, is not the front-runner 2 weeks before election day.

After all the rumors of the Dornan/Johson enmity, it was funny to see what an entitled little brat DJ was to her Mom on the Oscars red carpet "Gah Moooom.. see my movie already..."

She's totally getting Mira Sorvino'd

Ugh.. "es ist sehr klar.. I'M A DJ!!!!!..." dub-step annoyance. Just let us hear the engine sing!

My Dad had one of those early Q45's. Silky smooth yet a proper brute when taunted. Once when my Mom was driving it on the highway she got pulled over "accidentally" doing 105 mph - and got away with a warning (OK, nice little suburban white lady, I believe you..). Loved that car & Pops wishes he still had it.

Now playing

Rearward facing seats would be much safer - from an impact perspective. We already use mirrors & cameras to see behind us, why not use them to see in front, while positioning ourselves for the greatest safety in a collision? (like a stuntman falling into an airbag - back first, with even support across the spine,

For that matter, as effective as the ICE has been, it is still an insanely crude idea - "hey, let's explode hydrocarbon liquids inside a metal box and harness the energy through a recovery piston." If super-advanced aliens landed today, they'd look at an ICE and shake their heads "yeah, OK, I guess it sort of works...

They've yet to come up with a compound for the load-bearing structure that is supple enough to replicate pneumatic tires, yet sturdy enough to put up with the heat/friction associated with highway speeds. If you closely read any article about these type tires, it'll tell you something like "limited to 20 minutes of

The funny thing with mirrors is how accustomed we train ourselves to be with reverse images. It's actually very unnatural, but as new drivers we learn how to instantly read & react to the mirror image(s). Eventually the self-driving 'bots will take care of all that, but in the interim maybe a HUD image "plan view" of