
Nothing against folks who are trying these activities to gather attention for the cause, but years and years of demonstrations, protests, walks, campaigns and public visibility haven’t addressed the biggest stumbling block, that gun owners are organized and donate millions and millions to get politicians who support

My wife and I got married in the living room of her home, presided over by a notary and the next door neighbors as witnesses. She said we spend $250 all told, including new clothes, some flowers and dinner for every one. That was thirty-eight and a half years ago and we’re still doing fine.

My favorite 404 image:

To paraphrase Hemingway, any event that uses style points is a game, not a sport.

The Amazon pages for the Anker PowerLine+ say:

The Amazon pages for the Anker PowerLine+ say:

Pretty launch from here, about 15 miles due west from the pad. Absolutely clear, with just a slight haze near the horizon. Due to the wind strength and direction the launch rumble and landing booms weren’t as loud as some previous Falcon 9 launches, but they should have been pretty loud up near north Titusville and on

Well, it’s a bummer that the launch got pushed back, it’s gorgeous outside right now, the earlier scattered clouds have given way to just a few high altitude cirrus. But it is breezy out there, winds just over 10 knots out of the southeast with gusts. And darn if it hasn’t gotten warm, it was in the low 50s F this

I’m not seeing the daily Kinja deals posting, just this top ten. Is Kinja no longer presenting the big daily deals list? Amazon got a good deal of money from me the past few months from things I saw on the big list (and a couple from the top ten as well).

I’m not seeing the daily Kinja deals posting, just this top ten. Is Kinja no longer presenting the big daily deals

But remember, that refund is just your money that you are letting the government hold for you. And it isn’t earning you any interest. If you adjust your withholding values, more goes to you and less to the government during the year. And yes, I know there are exceptions, but if you are getting a regular salary you

Oh wow, that’s a great page to spend an hour with.

Or how about an AT&T Z222? Just your basic flip phone. We got ours last year at Walmart for $15 USD apiece, plus a one year prepaid plan for $100 each which gives 1000 minutes at ten cents a minute. I think texts are 25 cents each but we don’t text so I don’t really know for sure.

Heh, wish I could feel more reassured. I’m almost 50. I grew up with the Cold War, an intact USSR, etc.

“Grounded” implies that this was a decision made by NASA. Has this been confirmed? It could be a decision by the astronaut herself.

Don’t know if someone else mentioned this, but on Win7 as least, ctrl+shift+esc brings up the task manager directly. I use it if my rig is starting to act wonky and I need to know what’s running.

Failed or not, it was a very pretty launch. As I’ve mentioned, I live about 15 miles west of the launch pad and being a night launch it was spectacular. The air was cool, dry with just a slight sea breeze so from the ground you could see first stage shutdown and second stage start up. And illuminated by the second

Thanks for the tip!

Actually I vaguely remember being taught to use “etc.” only at the end of a sentence.

Anyone old enough to remember when Lou Gossett Jr. had to lighten his make-up to play Anwar Sadat? There was a lot of discussion about selecting a black actor to play an Egyptian.

As my wife will testify, I am not “some people” ;)