
I don’t eat while playing often, but when I get the urge I usually grab a couple of kosher dill pickle spears. A bit messy, but the zing of the taste is a good pick me up.

Thanks for the great article. Keep ‘em coming.

He is sponsored, which means his actions reflect on the brand that is sponsoring him. Audi was taking this seriously because like most motorsports series, this is the only marketing they are getting from their investment in these teams at the moment.

I caught a few of the races and my takeaway impression each time was... blah. The races just didn’t feel exciting, especially when paired back to back with Formula E.

I know it isn’t going to be on most folk’s list, but I loved the seating in my 2002 Mercury Grand Marquis. I drove it for a dozen years and always felt comfortable, although I did take it to a place that reupholstered the seats after I had about eight years in it.

But with the IndyCar engine regs changing for 2022, Ferrari could easily become an approved engine supplier. They have the money and the engineering prowess, it just really comes down to whether IndyCar would want them and what they’d all get out of it.

Why can’t they use their own engines?

I read a story on another site that noted that previously Penske had been in very early discussions with Ferrari. It said that the proposed terms for Ferrari to enter Indycar would be that Ferrari would provide engines for up to one third of the field (getting paid for it of course). Critically there would also be an

Very good article. The question might be asked whether the booster did have a deorbit system (so it would reenter at a planned location) which failed or was it really intended that the booster deorbit randomly. So there will be a lot of interest in the next launch.

Me too! :-)

Hold up. Cavett was a comedian?

About twenty years ago, I had a checking account where they sent the actual checks back with the statement. (This was common practice.)

Thanks for posting your explanation. I was going by what my eye doctor told me. Maybe it is because of presbyopia and he just didn’t explain it well. My doc did tell me I’ve got the start of cataracts but as you note, it happens to many folks. I’m 66 by the way. Still, I now have excellent distance vision after

Bradley, while I understand and appreciate your points, I also feel that Indycar wouldn’t venture into this event without a serious amount of planning and forethought. Certainly having Roger Penske at the helm gives me some confidence that during the next month a lot of questions are going to be addressed and of

Alternatively, do you know you have better vision? Has it been tested? Or are you just used to the blur and can better interpret what you see?

I just picked up Vanwall 2.5 Litre F1: A Technical Appraisal by Ian Bamsey and I’m looking forward to reading it.

I’ve been walking most every day since I retired back in 2011, after spending more than three decades working in an office. I think it really has been a boon to my health. And when it is warm enough (which thanks to global warming is from March to November) I take a swim afterwards which helps with the other muscle

If you lived in my neighborhood this wouldn't be a surprise.

Thank you for posting this information! I really don't have a good grasp of all the designations and types and what you posted helps.

Good gosh, I hardly have any devices with USB3.2 so far, now they are stepping up again! Thank goodness for adapters.