
Tell us what one thing you are going to do for the rest of your life so we can keep tabs and make sure you don't get uppity by exploring other talents.

Rick seems mostly happy to see more pissed-off people with guns he can recruit.

Sure, sure, but that system "based on trade" is actually mostly based on murder.

Also: How the eff does Nick wash the blood out of his wife-beater just by rinsing off in a shower?

These guys haven't done anything good since "Fix You".

These are almost identical to the circumstances under which we watched the first few. Cheers, Sickness Pal!


The above is a form letter from the Committee for Generic Internet Bitching, Sour Grapes Clickbait Division. Copy and sub out the proper nouns for your own next rant.


This "exclusive" was widely known and promoted ahead of time in the form of a Kickstarter for… exactly what is described above.

"I'm a method film actor" = "I'm embarrassed by what I do and how much I get paid to do it and work much too hard to make it seem noble and profound."

"Insufferable but accurate" is a decent niche, if you can make it work. He mostly does.

Only if you happen to be a wrestler named "Turbo Lover" and need entrance music.

Hush, donny, non-cunts are talking.

Chalk it up to Rick just taking a hard conversational line with Morgan vis-a-vis Morgan's pacifism. "Hard ass all the time, RAHR."

Much of leadership is iconography and symbolism, especially amongst the Criminally Insane-American community.

…and it just keeps ratcheting up on both sides.

I don't think her aversion to bloodshed is all that sudden. Her efficiency at dispatching enemies (aided by that ability to move unnoticed and attack unexpectedly) has masked the anguish that each new body on the pile has caused her. There were seeds of this change planted throughout the past few years.

For once I think Zach went too high on the grade. This episode was one frustrating contrivance after another, ending in another insulting fake-out. If 6x15 had been titled "Opposite Day", at least we'd know Gimple and co. were in on the joke.