
And actually honor it this time!

Vice is streets ahead.

You suck ass, Handlen.

Seriously, if he's about to iron your face just pull a knife out and lunge at him. You'll go from the doghouse to a dream house as Negan promotes you to SVP of Stealing and into some cushy new digs, you moxie-havin sumbitch you.

But maybe Ezekiel already knew about Richard's initial plan, and Morgan was asking Richard if Ezekiel knew that Morgan was about to brain Richard - at Richard's request - in front of the Neganites for tactical reasons. woodstock41's post has me thinking along these lines now, though it's very dangerous ground for

Yeah, I hate how everyone else is so dumb. And don't even get me started on that outgroup! Boy, they get me steamed!

Interesting angle, though it doesn't seem like the kind of calculation that Morgan can really manage in his present state. It seemed to be more about rage and loss than it was about canny maneuvering.

There's also a general sense of "suck it" in the Neganites' approach to their fiefs. It's tactical and keeps things from getting too buddy-buddy.

Kingdom be recognizing a stone-cold murder machine when they see one.

Beautifully put. Cheers.

Thanks, Random Pun-bot.

"[…]even bland superhero shows are better than the thought of leaving my apartment over St. Patrick's Day weekend in Boston."

They /do say that shit, Killsqu8d. They do.

You really are, but it's a little delightful so keep at it.

To bring you closure, here's a jpeg I threw together the day after the Dexter finale. It includes literally all you need to know about the last episode - really, the last few years - of the series. http://imgur.com/OemdwDB

C'mon, guys, spoiler tags. Not everyone has seen every one of these shows.

"I mean, yeah… I am fighting *near* a woman, a black guy, and a blindie, but you should not make any broader inferences from that coincidence! IRON FIST!"

Barely, and that makes Danette Chavez a rarity on AVC.

I just watched DS the other day and didn't even notice that was him. He could reappear elsewhere in the MCU and no one would be the wiser. (And I hope he does.)

It's fun to fight over arcane abstractions!