
Yes, that is what humanities departments tell themselves.

Yeah, it's at the aggregator level that this method of partial reviewing gets thorny. They treat these partial reviews as final and lump in the scores with the rest (whose writers may or may not have done the same thing).

I thought DD S1 handled the origin aspect well. Scattered flashbacks and cutaways, but for the most part we're in the now and the character has a good running start. Very economic and light, compared to the usual Marvel technique of giving over an entire production (be it movie or TV season) to a longer take on a

The story of Danny Rand is one of a privileged white boy orphaned and taken in by martial arts adepts. He turns out to be a storied warrior, but only after time spent as an alien in a new land as a boy, who then returns to NYC years later as an alien in the place he was born. The fact of his whiteness and (massive)

They seem to be trying to avoid filler episodes but in the process they create entire filler plotlines that sprawl across a few eps. If DD S2 had tamed its "too many ninjas!" problem, or Jessica Jones had fewer mope sessions at her support groups or terse chats with her lawyer, and each replaced an episode or two with

Humina indeed.

You should spoiler tag at least the Luke Cage part of the above post, mate.

Haven't you heard? They turned Danny Rand white. F-.

ten thousand upvotes

Yeah, making Danny Rand Asian would have just been silly, but no more silly than most of the identity politics in entertainment.

THANK YOU. I read his name and had an itch in the back of my mind. It was familiar but faded…

DD S2 finally broke that pattern, for me anyway. Solid throughout.

A surprising number of deep-bench Marvel heroes are Kung Fu Batmen.

Whatever, he's just there to be Matt Murdock's money man anyway.

They need half the staff writing pile-on rehashes of other sites' Trump stories. No time for TV.

"dooOOOOood… WHAT is that FOULness?!?!"
- Wentworth "now a noted screenwriter somehow" Miller

Boreanaz is inherently hammy and I maintain he was the worst major casting on the show.

"I'm just gonna kill this guy first…

She can't, because it isn't. A stray remark about the "evil" of mass production is not a treatise.

The best parts of S4 are when various cast members stand on that scaffolding-ass perch and marvel at how "impressive" the Initiative's foil-lined municipal airport hangar is.