
That is literally meaningless.

"I get some of what you mean, but a part of it reminds me of the 'I don't see color' argument."

You're still here, aintcha? They get the PVs regardless, so prepare to eyeroll your way through his dismal write-ups until this show is shitcanned.

Whomever or whatever JEng is, I support its attempts to hone this troll persona into a precision instrument.

Stick to non-sequiturs. You're on firmer ground there.

Zack Handlen exhibits no fondness for this show. His main contribution to TWD criticism is contempt masked as disappointment.

AV Club
I'm just here for comments at this point.

No, Negan is a man who is cast (Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who is kind of perfect) and will appear in the last ep of this season.

No, your weekly "shitpost + self-link" MO is most unwelcome.

No, your weekly "shitpost + self-link" MO is most cunty.

Carol has proven quite capable of compartmentalizing her emotions in desperate situations.

Whereas this, I get. Yeah, she seems to have realized not only that there is new hope for a return to actual society but that not all of them are fit for same any longer. I'd be worried about my reintegration potential too, if I were her.

Don't get how anyone who regularly watches this show could have missed that. It's been Carol's go-to ploy for years now and the subject of much discussion and joking both within and without the show.

I imagine a lot of conversations around their camp ending in "stop trying to make 'cold bloods' happen, Paula."

He has all the best duct tape.

Zack, we've talked about this….

oh, Zack…

[See also 3x01: "Carol, you've become a pretty good shot."]

Yes, they should. And zombies shouldn't be real. For many of us the show remains fun despite these obvious faults. Anyone else is invited to get angry that others have different capacities for suspension of disbelief when enjoying their genre fiction.

In the "mature audiences" re-reboot, DJ's eldest daughter realizes the Third Baby Activation Clause in the curse and sensibly decides to stop at two children.