
It's… yeah. Don't.

It was comedy, and I thought it worked well. This was an episode with lots of willfully inverted setups - I was dreading the long trudge of a plot line that would have ensued had Daryl & co. been taken back to Negan's compound. (What's more, I feel like the producers /knew we'd have that feeling. They played that hand

Yeah, this is just one of those story points they had to get to.

Reviewers and shows grow apart. It happens and shouldn't be a big deal, but it's on those reviewers to know when their tenure has reached a natural end.

The Wolves are not gone for good, no. The producers have plans for their return and they affect the story as it pertains to other parties in the near future.

Zack Handlen:

Wasn't peak Gaga like three years ago?

Great movie and OST, but it makes a lot more sense - if "sense" is required - if you think of it as a bio not of Bowie but of Ziggy.

A Tracy/Jenna "best enemies turned bitter friends" arc could work well for them.

She has become her own Dratch.

so, tiny cabbages and a great mass of tiny cabbages assembled into a mannish shape.



Nurse Practitioner Strange was polling was in the low single digits.

What, he can't gently place things down because he's black?

Dr. Strange is the greatest PUA handle ever.

Looks like the Granta forums are short one miserable twat.

T-shirts were $20 when these guys mattered. Bring $45 for one now.

Axl is the Phil Connor of our time.