
Buckethead : Chinese Democracy
better parking spaces : ALS

Use your words, Roberto. Here, in unicode.

Those two are graduates of the Lizzie and Mika Finishing School for Walking Harbingers with One Trait

There must be lead paint in Jessie's house or something. Screw those kids.

Ron is a real taint.


Thanks. I like to think of myself as an artist in the medium of canned tamales.

So, GQ, have you solved racism yet?

I'm going to open a gym called Safewords.

stop cheering for someone - for anyone, regardless of their shittiness - to be raped.

[*fart sound*]


No, but its spirit lives on in each and every prison rape.

Thank you both.

Also there's a DJ!

That woman is a national treasure.

"I won't let that happen again" - every member of SAMCRO, often while that very thing was happening again.

You're not wrong, but he's just so easy to mock. Especially if you stuck with SoA to the bitter end.

Kurt can at least manage to have Ghost Gemma pushing a derelict shopping cart around for a few scenes across the series, eventually adding up to fuck-all.