The Jza Clza

Or nowhere! 30 freakin teams is plenty!

I’ll never understand why they feel the need to put a team in Vegas. The city is full of transplants. It’s like putting another team in Florida or Arizona, no one is going to show up to root for the home team. There’s no reason to rush it, wait on Seattle to be ready.

As a center, goalies are fucking psychos and you all need to chill the fuck down

Jeez, what crawled up his 5-hole?

T.O., if you read this, forget about the gold jacket. Get a Kevlar one.

I’ll be honest. I read your comment, didn’t think anything of it and then like five seconds later started laughing when it hit me. Well done +1.

Somewhere, over Dwayne Bowe
skies are blue
and the dreams that you dare to dream
really do come true