
Magneto class attack vessels.

Final Fantasy VII called it wants the Junon Cannon back


Seriously, that looks to be the least aerodynamic object possible...might as well fire bricks out of it

I work in an industry that is adjacent to these kind of data brokers, and let me tell you, it is scary. It is true that they can’t connect the dots all the way to your actual name, but that is probably the least important piece of data.

So... Patricia, correct me if I’m wrong, but from the review, this is a confusing game, set into a vast, mostly empty world, with a really bad UI and a dated conversation system. The story is mostly setup and the saving grace is the action.

How does that end compare to say the original Mass Effect? That left you with a pretty big lead in to future games and didn’t wrap up too much. Does this feel like that, or is it even more open ended?

The story in this game feels more like juicy set-up for some good DLC or sequels. I was left with more questions about what comes next, rather than feeling satisfied by what the game presents now, if that makes sense - where you leave things is more interesting than the journey there.

Patricia, answer this how you like:

omg can you imagine if there’s another cold war and they blame a Jalopnik sub-blog for it

The idea is to tangle the props. Stop the propeller(s) and it falls from the sky.

The tweaks they applied definitely helped bring closure to the story; prior to that point, what the rest of us got was essentially a blue, red, or green variant of, “The Normandy got clear, most of your crew survived--unless of course you killed all the synthetics, then EDI’s kinda fucked—and someone, somewhere, is

Also that the theme of the ending of the game felt like a complete 180 to whole theme Mass Effect had been following up to that point.

I was hoping that you might be an example of a good use of the burner system and not a idiocy spewing mouth breather. Ah well.

Update: The Russian ambassador to the UN was quite possibly recently murdered. After they’ve had a string of other diplomats go on three day drinking benders, have heart attacks then fall out of bathroom windows.

Spicer has yet to display anything approaching skill at his job.

And you’ve got to think that most of them are going to be somewhat excluded from the inner circle by Bannon and his ilk.

During the campaign, a lot of people subscribed to the theory that Trump would hire competent people to fill in the gaps, and that he would just kind of be a figurehead, like he seemed to do in his other ventures. That was, admittedly the best-case scenario. I think it’s a testament to how wrong that theory was that

Not as stupid as the people who voted for him.