
Firing a suppressed weapon would also be better for the operators, they won’t go deaf, especially in close quarters. It’s not only for the enemy.

I thought by now, a Predator drone with something like a Davy Crockett-sized tactical nuke would be more useful than ICBM’s.

“For some reason, all foreign leaders are inviting Trump to their respective governments’ poker nights.”

What I don’t get is, shouldn’t Russia also be mad at Trump too for potentially compromising a source of ISIS intelligence? It’s not like ISIS promised to never bomb Russians, I thought they’re pretty much against everybody who’s not hardcore Islamic.

Seriously, that tiny bit of foresight is something that our current President does not possess.

It makes me wonder if a foreign intelligence service would ever consider assassinating a President to protect classified information.

LOL @ “recipient of 59 Tomahawk missiles”, “recipient” is satisfyingly accurate, since if that base had actually been targeted in any way there would have been far more damage.

Funny that Trumpsters would think Koreans are the “good refugees” for being good enough at math, whereas Arabs are “bad refugees” but our whole mathematics system is based on Arabic numerals.

Seems like a clickbait title, all of these methods are really obvious. How do you sink a huge piece of metal? Throw another piece of metal at it very fast. I thought this would have less straightforward methods, like using cyberwarfare or infiltration and sabotage, or even economically influencing suppliers or

Of all their military capabilities, I would be really curious to know whether or not NK has sleeper cells in South Korea and how they operate/are tracked. If they had some real ingenuity I think human saboteurs could do a lot more damage than NK trying to rely on their technology.

The new defense company to invest in is apparently data analytics companies for all the agencies that perform surveillance.

It would be hilarious if defense contractors would give extremely sarcastic names to their weapons systems. Like the MK3 Strongly-Worded Reaccomodation Toolkit, or the M5 Peace Talks Initiator.

Just wait until they come out with the all-new and improved FOAB.

My guess is that the bomb creates jobs since a defense contractor is going to have to be hired to replace it.

I just find it crazy that the US is still spending millions on bombs and hackers can bring a country to its knees with a few thousand dollars worth of computer hardware from Fry’s electronics.

Comment is sort of silly in hindsight, now we know the Tomahawks hit nothing and the airbase is still operational.

I thought the tactical purpose of chemical and biological weapons is to eliminate personnel with minimal damage to infrastructure.

From what I understand, the airbase is still operational after this strike, so what exactly is Trump solving here again? Oh that’s right, his dropping poll numbers.

I’m sure this can be spun as Trump creating jobs, someone’s going to need to build 60+ new Tomahawk cruise missiles, right?