
Ultimate Infestation is fine? Look at the fucking value you get out of it compared to the other 10 mana spells out there. Pyroblast? Mind Control? DOOM!? It blows them all away in both value and utility. The only thing that comes even close is a perfectly rng’d Kazakus potion.

Well it’s either that or the Manhattan bridge, I alreadly offloaded the Brooklyn last Tuesday for a song, fucking Craiglisters man.

“All they did was interfere with our election and other geopolitical conflicts. What’s the big deal?”

“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer”

This is NOT a partisan issue...remember the cold war...Putin is an EXCELLENT strategist. Your opinion is exactly what he wants to install in the American mindset. Should we also be friendly with North Korea?

You are so very very wrong with this.... The only reason Putin would even play nice is because he is waiting to stab you in the back.....

As a country, we would like to be able to have a better relationship with Russia. Just not at our expense or the expense of Ukraine or anyone else. There is no reason for the US to be even trying to better our relationship when Russia is doing things like forcibly taking part of Ukraine and interfering in our election

I am surprised we are at this stage now. In another 6 months, ppl would just be wondering what’s so wrong about merging Russia and USA. We are both huge countries plus think about all that vodka and the oil of course. Merging both and making Putin the head of the combined country will only make him look weak.

You can’t have a better relationship with a government that doesn’t respect your autonomy.

Because America isn’t a vassal state of Mother Russia.

I’m not naive. I never said he was going to “play by the rules”. I think that we went over that. However, sanctions aren’t going to force him to do so either. Is playing by the rules the goal? If it is, we are not going to be successful in achieving it.

If you really think Putin will play by the rules, as well as China, I have this sweet bridge in Brooklyn I’m looking to sell, real cheap.

I hate being “that guy”, but we did not drop hydrogen bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They were conventional nuclear weapons, one an implosion type, and one a plutonium gun type. If your facts are this bad, I bet a lot of the rest of the article is too.

A solution in search of a problem: How to spread out the subcontract gravy train to the most congressional districts.

What’s more impressive is they managed to find the only 249 on planet earth that can fire more than 100 rounds without a stoppage.

What are the upsides of the president revealing the subs’ general location?

Foreign intelligence is pieced together from many crumbs. You pick up a crumb here, get a little crumb there, and add it to your current crumbs and suddenly you have a much better picture of what your friend or adversary is doing. To continue with that analogy, it is extremely rare to find an entire loaf of bread

The only proper response a president should say about submarines is “What submarines?”

Yes, the President should not be remarking on the locations of submarines, nobody should. They are meant to be stealthy and while the Chinese probably knew that there are subs there, now they know exactly how many.

I’d like to hear from anyone with expertise about the national security ramifications here.