
Agreed. Looks like there is an “I” in team.


Bribery and naked attempts to stifle dissent. Hallmarks of republican legislation. They’re terrorists, pure and simple.

Is everything still in all-caps, bordered in shit brown?

Smoke, fire, etc.

Thank you.

One of my lamer middle managers was musing aloud about becoming an Uber driver this evening. He’s definitely the type.

Ah, I get ya. Constant repeat viewings would be a bit much. You’re exactly the type of person I’d love to watch the film with, you seem to appreciate its primal elegance.

Oy gevalt, I’m saying!


I starred this article just for the headline; but, couldn’t she be the Elena Ceausescu of our time? That would, ideally, make her repugnant husband the next Nicolae.

I, for one, fucking love “JAWS.” But we’re cool.

I’ve said it for years: you can have pets, or you can have kids or you can have nice things. It is impossible to have any combination of the three.

I don’t know about you all, but this doesn’t make me feel any safer.

Me, I’d just like to see fewer pedophiles in my government. Where’s Elliot Stabler when we really need him?

We now live in a country where only TV comedians want to save us. We have no representatives on either side of the political divide in our own government; they’re all glad to profit from our slow obliteration. Our neighbors avidly vote to support this madness, while talk show hosts plead with us to do right by

I live in the South, and I have to agree with this wholeheartedly. These people vote to be victimized, and they know it. They’re hostages, begging their captors to execute them slowly. I cannot wrap my mind around it.

I’ll bet Jon Stewart was not so amused.

Higgins would most certainly not approve!

Who the hell brags about the size of their porn collection?