I didn’t even have to read it. I already knew. He’s as transparent as a damn window. An open window. The hole in a wall, where you plan to put a damn window.
I didn’t even have to read it. I already knew. He’s as transparent as a damn window. An open window. The hole in a wall, where you plan to put a damn window.
Thank you for this, from the bottom of my cold, bitter heart. My ex fucking loves this movie. That should have been a huge red flag for me.
The level of job security is about the same, if you think about it.
“Once he’s on his way out, he can pardon some family members, or even throw Pence under the bus if he’s feeling spiteful.”
Fen-phen and coke. It’s well-known that he uses both. Also, he’s geriatric, stupid and insane.
Tiny. Little. Hands.
Freddie Mercury: A Star Wars Story.
Not surprised to learn she might have been a Companion, but also not surprised to see her become an Oscar nominee; her talent, charisma and star power were undeniable in that episode alone.
... An antenna?!?!
I get what you’re saying. But, please... don’t follow through.
They’re trying, dammit!
Conservatives don’t Math good. Nor do they have all the best words.
I’m with Jon Favreau.
Delicious, thanks.
Nobody -but nobody- messes with The Jackal.
It’s sobering, to say the least, how I could relate to what I just read. If there is any peace after this, I truly wish it for him. Those who love and miss him now have my absolute sympathy. I’ll never know him, but I think he just helped me feel less alone and misunderstood tonight. Thank you very much, Bill.
“Wouldn’t this have been a good year to finally do a full-on Rogues team-up, especially given that Wentworth Miller is apparently hanging up Captain Cold’s parka?”