
Can’t imagine a hologram running a starship but they did a good job with a hologram doctor on Voyager. Patrick Steward was a great choice for a Captain. But being a ships captain sometimes requires thinking out side the box and no computer could possibly use a humans imagination or gut feeling on how to fix problems.

I sold 2 of my really rare cards not long ago and was surprised with a check for 150. Bucks I may break in to them here soon to catch some bills I have. I really don’t like selling a collection that has taken me more than 10 years to amass. So far I have round 10,000 or more cards from almost every set made.

Why u gotta make it that the ref is a bad guy instead of the idiots that disrespect our country that’s the way it always is you make like the people who disrespect us do nothing wrong but when someone calls out about it they’re the bad guys. I say they disrespect our country they don’t play

Just getting a soda threw on them they got off lightly where I come from you disrespect our flag and/or anthem you’d been drug out and told not to come back. So what if she used the n word maybe they deserved it. You act like that and disrespect our brave soldiers that’s mild to what I may have said to them. You want

You don’t see those players refusing to take the white man’s money while they disrespect every American soldier who fought the freedom to be on the field getting paid millions of dollars. I say they kneel they don’t play they don’t get paid. Send them to Africa and let them disrespect their country of origin. We

I think you’re just another white hate that’s not happy that the Blacks plan to breed the White out of existence and ruling the country is taking longer than you planned so you spout your brand of garbage that no one else wants to hear. And no I’m not a white racist I’m a half breed Cherokee and damn proud to be

Any woman who wants to play his dead wife that everyone knows he killed should ha BC e their heads examed. I don’t see how they could stand to be with a man that got away with murder. He thinks that cause he’s famous he can do as he pleases and then hire some over priced lawyer to get him off. Just goes to show when

No man woman or what ever should be allowed to play any paid sport if the are disrespecting our flag or national anthem. We pay loads of American money for them to entertain us not so we have them disrespect those who fought and died for them to have the freedom to play those sports. It’s like kicking everyone who

Speed limit is speed limit but one KPH come on now get real maybe he just went down a down grade. What’s he supposed to do slam on the breaks

Can you say IDIOT !!!!!!!!

I’m surprised they haven’t started banning books and movies like Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn or any of the others that mention the “ N “ word but give them time and they’ll start on that.

Guess what I’m from Florida and we think ur a real dumb arses. Not every one in Florida is as stupid as u

I wish I could afford to leave the U.S its becoming a nation of garbage. Now you’re wanting to change our money. Next it’ll be tear down Rushmore and replace it with black mountain and have the faces of Tubman,King and Obama. Get real why don’t you quit coddling the blacks and their lovers. In 50 years when you’ve

To each their own. But the photos and kid look great. Maybe once he sees the movie he will be to scared to do that again. Hope not. Great job kid!

Got a better idea just paint a huge pitcher of someone’s favorite football team on it and round here they will pay twice as much for it weather it runs or not

Kid Rock may be a redneck but everyone at least don’t coddle the backs ad that’s why you do like him. So what if he displays a rebel flag he is only displaying his rights. Last I heard we still had freedoms like speech. Its not iilleagle to be a white person in America yet

Just another case of giving in to the blacks. Soon we will no longer be called the United States they will demand the name to be changed to something like New Africa of what ever they want to call it they will change our flag to one that will have Martin Luther King on it and we’ll give in to that too. Wake up

Why would I or any truly white person do any of those things. The blacks are driving us to Extinction and the new laws all give them power to have a white person arrested for speaking thier mind. They breed with any white girl stupid enough to all for their lies and you expect us to hand over more of our hard earned

Maybe if all the African Americans and their lovers would have stayed out of the rally instead of showing up trying to prevent it it would have been peaceful but they had to show up and show they have more rights than whites do .anymore 

If the man can’t show respect for our flag and country he should b kept out of any of our sports.