They’re all idiots I have 2 tires here that look exactly like that they both blew out due to age and wear. Beside the point I like you’re artical it was very entertaining. And you are right bout the tire.
They’re all idiots I have 2 tires here that look exactly like that they both blew out due to age and wear. Beside the point I like you’re artical it was very entertaining. And you are right bout the tire.
Did they show the arts where they tell them to try to have sex with whites so they can breed them out and take over ? I have heard many African Americans in prison talking about this little known plot but it dose exist and everyone turns a blind eye to it and government and Hollywood even encourage it
Only problem with Lego is there to darned expensive. I love building things with them but can only afford to buy used sets from thrift stores. I’d love to be able to purchase the lerge Millennium Falcon and the Star Destroyer but could never afford them
What happened to freedom of speech and expression? Just another case of whites being persecuted for saying something the African American community and the half breeds they create don’t like. I wish I could afford to leave the new United States of Africa.
Great job there girl. It’s weird that people now dad still can’t drive a manual tranny car I learned when I was 6 by watching a friend’s dad drive his after 10 minutes he let me try it around his yard and been driving one every since. Still u did a great job I’m thank ful you got away.
Just turn it down a bit but never give in to a bitch. Most everyone else in the world can’t wait to hear the ice cream man coming it helps keep you cool and control your kids a bit
Naww he’s not the worst person in the world just the biggest IDIOT.
I’m totally against the mixing of races and I would never hurt a child of any race it’s not their fault they were born. I say they should throw both of the parents in a dark cell and forget to feed them for weeks at a time. But in our society they will probably get a sla on the wrist and go back and plop out more kids
How stupid. I guess that freedom of expression no longer exists in this country. I’m amazed they arested her. All this crap about the Confederate symbols just cause the black and half black community dont like it is stupid
Men in to women women in to men and now this why the fxxk would any white want to change in to a black? Ain’t enough that they’re breeding us in to Extinction. What a stupid idiot
What can u say stupidity is running rampant now that most everyone has a phone on them 24/7. Plus most people only assume they can drive they need to make everyone go to driving school again.
Why fire her oh that’s right we have to live by the African Americans new rules. We are forced to accept everything they want or they wine that they’re rights are being neglected. I’m so tired of the constant complaints by them. He’ll they’re already about to breed us in to Extinction