Joel Rose

There was no expectation of an in game map so I didn’t miss one playing through this in elementary school. It gave you a feeling you were exploring uncharted territory. I played though the game at least two times that way as a kid and I loved it. It probably took me a couple months to complete and I remember bombing

Counterpoint: it is not.

Just like the scene in the movie...

Well, it depends on where you live in Ohio. For me, growing up, it was a less than 1 hour drive to Kings Island or a 3 hour 15 min drive to Cedar Point. Kings Island was close enough that I bought a season pass at least once in high school (if you got it really early, it was like $50) and I’d go out there with friends

Don’t forget, way before Disney World in was King’s Island in Ohio. Both the Partridge Family and the Brady Bunch visited King’s Island:

I’ve always thought these old Atari-era games would be perfect for a Wario-ware or NES Remix style game. Have them both on their original version and with various filters and weird control schemes and with short play-goals.

So glad to see Nintendo being back their arcade games. I loved the arcade Punch Out as a kid.

Props for the Space Ghost and Moltar art

Wouldn’t Wowzers primary way of defeating Wario be finding and returning Wa-Peach to him because Wario and Wa-Peaches’ relationship is just that toxic?!

Glad to see this guy finally getting some criticism for showing his true colors. Even in many Christian circles people have been critical of his “health and wealth” teachings for years.

No Virtual Boy?

Dew Prism

Except- the Wii U made money most of the time. Don’t get me wrong - it was a failure in terms of marketshare and Nintendo did have a (rare) loss for a quarter or so.  The Gamecube pretty much failed. N64 performed adequately. But, Nintendo made money. (Sure, portables helped during some of those times) Nintendo has a

People have been saying that since the Gamecube came out. Won’t happen unless Nintendo stops making money. It’s working them. They make a profit on everything they sell.

If they hadn’t blown that $15 on lunch, they may have been able to afford another couple days if server hosting.

No, that would make too much sense for Wal-mart :)

They were up from around at least 11:30-ish- 12:07-ish. I got the walmart email about it being in stock at 11:31.

My 4 and 6 year old daughters love the gaurodo outfit so much. They always have link wear it. Fortunately, for my sanity, I bought it for both Wii U and Switch. They play the Wii U version. Since the game came out, it’s the game they want to play 95% of the time.

I mean, are any of these characters NOT from Street Fighter EX? Makes you wonder if he’s working with Capcom to get the rights to call it Steet Fighter EX 4 which is why it’s untitled.

Darun Mister is also from SF EX. If he’s around.... Pullum should be coming soon too!