Joel Rose

You’ll plateau without motion controls. I had that happen with both myself and a friend on Splatoon 1. We both thought “nah, we don’t need those hard to use motion controlls” and after a week or two after the game released we noticed we both performed worse and worse compared to everyone else. A day or two of getting

Ha, I was watching the video and when you got to the CD caddy’s I remembered that EGM had reported that too. Totally remember this article in EGM.

It’s gotta be the shoes.

I loved the super spy in the arcades back in the day. I’d love to play it again. I should just bite the bullet and pick it up for my Neo Geo :\

I still want to know how the portrayal of Zelda and Link in the Nintendo cereal system fits into the timeline. Just how does the berry flavoring fit into Hyrulian lore?

I watched the speed run and I was closer than I forgot there only one level after that. Honestly, after watching some of those later levels, I can’t believe I made it as far as I did.

same here. I beat a lot of tough games as a kid including ninja gaiden 1 and I couldn’t come close to finishing Battletoads either. Once or twice I made it to the level with big circle thing that chases you and you ride a unicycle. Pretty far but there’s still a few levels after that.

Sigh- I guess this means we have another 5 years for the final evangelion film. Either that or the employees involved will have to take pay cuts to already poor anime industry salaries.

Totally agree. I’d rather see a 24 minute concise video with a couple surprises and the option of watching ppl demo the games later in the treehouse than an 60-90 minute presentation of trailers that show someone play the game for WAY too long.

Did anyone else notice the singer of the song in the trailer appears to be Pauline from Donkey Kong? Your see her briefly at the end.

Agreed. I was thinking the same thing when I watched it. I went from “oh yeah, this is that one game that looks really cool” to “huh, I’ll wait until reviews to make sure it’s good” to “yeah... I’ll probably just pass”

Agreed. I also felt Sony’s was lazy too. Most of it was just trailers back to back to back. That guy got up twice and talked for like 30 seconds. If your going to do it this way, why do a press conference?!

Yeah I thought the exact same thing when they announced it. Sure, it’s easier for the whole software Compatibility thing: games play on any of the Xbox One family of systems. But the average person isn’t going to get that there is the big hardware jump between S and X.

Kudos to Microsoft for giving it disc-based backwards compatibility. I was literally thinking yesterday I have a couple old Xbox games I wouldn’t mind firing up.

Ha, will do

Your Animal Crossing / Okami idea would be my 6 year old daughter’s dream announcement. Anything about animal crossing and wolves...

Finish Half-life episode 2

I need to revisit the 2nd quest. I don’t remember for sure if I finished it back in the day. I *think* I did most of the game but had trouble finishing the 8th or 9th dungeon. I had TOTALLY forgotten about the ability to walk through walls and the removal of the visual clues for bombing walls... for the life of me I

Agree 100%. I did this in Chicago a couple months ago and it was great. They did an awesome job of peppering in references and items from the games. I’m surprised they let you take photos- they were VERY careful to not let us have our phones.

I think it also has to do with limiting their risk. If they do 10,000 or 20,000, that’s a much larger investment on their end that may not pay off- specially with their lesser known games. Keep it small and you have low-risk and you know how much $ you get in the long run. Remember, this is a 2 person company that