Joel Rose

Its amazing when you look at periods of time when graphics took huge leaps. It blows my mind that Super Mario World and Mario 64 were less than 6 years apart. Also, its crazy that the NES was still the “current” Nintendo system for sale for most of 1990 in Japan and through into fall 1991 in the US, and by the end of

tough to say. I’ve played over 110 hours in BotW and I’m still playing. I played the Neir demo and wasn’t hooked like I was with Zelda. BotW is a game you don’t want to rush (and likely won’t feel rushed). I may go back and do Neir when it comes down in price, I’m not in a rush to get to it.

I was so excited to play this game after finishing FF7. I tried on multiple occasions to sit down and “get into it” but I just kept getting frustrated. I think some of it had to do with HP and it was really hard to refill your HP- but that’s almost 20 years ago since I tried it. Reading all of this does make the game

Yep, I (unclearly) was insinuating that with “costs more”, but that’s exactly right.

Except Nintendo has pretty much always sold for a profit with hardware, unlike everyone else.

Keep in mind the Microsoft and Sony are large companies with their hands in many things. If Nintendo screws up their game business, that’s their whole business.

No. Apple ships all their phones by air. If there was greater risk, I doubt they would do that. Also, Apple can ship their phones via air because they box is MUCH smaller and costs more, so the hit to the profit is reduced greatly.

Same here. I have respect for what he made and, as a father, I feel for him... But, as a father, there was no way I could play that. The screen shots I saw were enough and I already felt awful just seeing them. Even if I did try the game, I don’t think I could have made it far.

It’s the typical non-apology. “Sorry if you didn’t like how we threatened you. Next time we’ll make our threat sounds less threatening.”

Ha! I’ve always enjoyed poor translations. I was sad to hear they were going to fix it. This makes me happy.

Agreed. They should try putting only the foreground in focus and blur background elements.

No, that’s Metroid and she can’t crawl.

OK, I usually don’t get into these things too much, but this is a weird coincidence. In regards to the company name of “Garalina”

Yeah. I probably wouldn’t have agreed with them on that point even on 9-11, but everyone was feeling more more “hard lined” (for a lack of a better term) about everything for awhile. It was a scary time for adults (I was barely out of college) because you didn’t know who you should trust. Were the plane attacks just a

105 hours into the game here. I find it almost insane that someone could complete the game 100% at 45 hours. There’s so much stuff. Granted, if you’ve done it before! But even at that....

Its amazing how Oreo even did a rip-off of the raised design on the cookie part.

I’ve also always wondered why Nintendo didn’t just include a free download of a classic game with their systems anyway. It would also double as encouragement for creating an account in the store and getting used to buying a digital game.

Wow. Well, its probably safe to say the Switch’s success killed it. The NES Classic was a dead-end as far as an eco-system goes. For some customers, Nintendo would sell a $60 product to them and that would be it. They wouldn’t be coming back for anything else- especially for the causal gamer who may not usually buy

Oh man, sorry to hear that. Its amazing the things kids can do with a game controller in seconds. When my oldest daughter was about 2, I handed her my Xbox 360 controller and I was on the dashboard. In what was literally no more than a few button presses a a split second, she had initiated a party chat with a one of