Joel Rose

Ninja Gaidan should not be that low. Yeah, there’s some cheap stuff in it, but the controls are great, its fun, and its fun seeing the story unfold.

Start today by recognizing the power we have to walk in someone else’s shoes, to demonstrate understanding, and to strip away the differences that divide us. Let’s each embrace the universal virtues of respect and dignity, refusing to allow the hatred on cable news, the ugliness of our politics, and the lack of

Yeah pretty much the same for me. I was great at games back then but never did that well with blaster master.

Same here. I thought I even saw an ad in EGM as well, but maybe I’m thinking of the preview. I always assumed it came out.

Wow, I mean, you could just ask her. Its not like she isn’t on Twitter or anything:

Oh, comon’, we all know this is going to be Red Dead Go! for mobile

Read Dead Revival?

Yeah, ensuring a copy on launch day used to be a big deal. That, along with physical pre-order bonuses (which sometimes disappeared quickly) were the reasons I used to pre-order. It seemed like the physical bonus pre-orders peaked around 2000. I still have my Final Fantasy 7 T-shirt, Chrono Cross Clock, and

It really depends on the anime. Lets face it, anime has every type of genre within it and there’s a lot of variety there. I by no means was talking about all anime nor would I try to group them together for criticism sake. I’m speaking more of the heavy fan-service anime having a focus like that. There’s a very large

Right- but why are they those other shows successful and being copied? I’m not saying a show starts with that goal in mind. No one says “lets start a show that appeals to single ineffectual males”. That type of show is a success because it plays to the main audience watching it. So, they keep going after the same

Yeah, but the point of the way they’re both being portrayed that way is to service the male viewers. We see it time and time again in anime where the girls are hot and the men/boy protagonist is, under most circumstances, ineffectual- and the girls still want them. That basically sums up the perfect fantasy for the

That.... would probably be the best thing to do with the franchise.

Sad that wifi is still an issue. I lived there 10 years ago and the lack of wifi bugged me. I’m planning on going back for a visit next year and I was hoping the wifi situation had improved.

I had all of these (except Wolf Children) prior to having kids and now by two young girls love these movies. Kiki’s seems to be the most popular, but they like the rest a lot, too.

Just a theory, but I think the plan for MGSV that Konami and Kojima had a certain number of SKUs involved and they planned at least 3. Developing your own engine isn’t cheap so Konami really wants to get as much as they can out of it. Kojima adheared to the plan as far as having Ground Zeroes and then the main game.

I still have all my memory cards going to back to PS1. Although, I did lose one for quite some time...

follow-up #2. The more I think about it, there could be an argument to be made that a user who enjoys the play experience of a game may be more likely to purchase a season pass or additional DLC to play a game longer. Of course, you’d have to prove that.

Yeah, I understand your point and that may be a good part of it- but there are a lot of behind the scenes things in games that rarely get the spotlight.

Whole-heartedly agree. There’s a lot of “user experience” stuff in games that could be so much better. Nintendo can be bad about that too. I forget specifics, but I remember in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword buying a potion from the lady in Skyloft had WAY to much talking going on for something that you might do

This is a great example of when you delay a damn game. Launching a game that’s a new IP with technical issues like this that seriously hinder the end user experience is beyond idiotic. They had once chance to make an impression with this game and they blew it.