Joel Rose

He was pointing out a typo. You have “activation”.

Very cool. It was great seeing Dactyl Nightmare again. I played that once in the early 90's at a big mall in Ohio (which I think is now kaput). At the time, it was a pretty amazing experience. It must have been expensive to play because my friend and I only played once. I just remember how long it took to reload your

To put a positive spin on it... If you backed the kickstarter, only a tiny amount of your money went to make this awful commercial because its clearly very low budget.

Taking yourself too serious != being serious

I think you mean “The Last Story”

Personally, I’ve never understood some people’s desire to always play a character that they think is representative of themselves or representative of an ideal version of themselves. I’m a white male and have always gravitated toward characters less like me.

Probably because they’re focused on NX game development and Zelda.

yeah, the giant stuffed cat bus is pretty awesome there.

When did Call of Duty get the tanooki suit?!

One key thing a lot of people are missing is they *should* be able to check if the disconnect is user initiated or not.

Reminds of of my sticky bomb strategy in the old Shadow Warrior. Load them up by a teleporter. Anyone who comes through is toast.

Its the way the sprites show light & shadow. Look at the knight character sprites in the 1st video at around 2:07. That looks very KOF-like.

I was suspicious of it being an SNK created fighter based on the character portraits until I looked closer in the video. The finished sprites do look at like SNK KOF-style sprites. I would guess late 90's or early 00's.

And this also lead to the cancellation of Shenmue 2 in the US. The game was fully translated and released in Europe.

Reminds me of the Playstation 1.5 rumors. I think Sony thought twice and killed the project.

Kind of like the time-travel aspect from this:

well, I think Nintendo isn’t used to creating tools that other people use. These aren’t things they’ve ever had to think about before.

Of course, they can't cut the murderers completely out of the picture.

Good for her!

Have you ever played an older S N K game? The translations are always bad.