Preliminary data suggests that areas with more air pollution are harder hit. I feel like vapers are logic averse.
Preliminary data suggests that areas with more air pollution are harder hit. I feel like vapers are logic averse.
the letter-writers worried that advising lifelong adult smokers against vaping would make them more likely to return to cigarettes, putting them at a much more certain risk when it comes to complications surrounding the virus.
Fortunately, Jezebel already canceled vaping back in December, so no matter what we’ll be on the right side of history.)
You guys really love your vapes around here, don’t you?
I get it, there are not 15 peer reviewed studies that link vaping with being more likely to catch a severe case of coronavirus. But come the fuck on, that word “novel” that people sometimes put in front of the name is not referring to the coronavirus being a lengthy work of fiction.
If I could post on my phone I’d share a photo of a chest CT from last month. 19 year old vaper. Her lungs are TRASHED. It’s heartbreaking.
Um, guys.
Yes, and when I read ‘purple heart’ all I can think of is wounded war veterans. Is the ring supposed to be a comment on the marriage?
Generally my thought on wedding rings is that people should do what works for them but good grief that is hideous.
Experience does matter. It means knowing who does what, which agencies and which individuals are responsible for what, but more importantly, understanding which buttons to press and which levers to pull to generate intricate and complicated outcomes. You can’t simply say “Make it so” and expect your underlings to…
Isn’t it interesting how so many “progressives” criticize Donald Trump for treating the Presidency like a reality show, when they treat their candidates the same way.
Yeah, I could see bringing her into the administration at a cabinet level, leveraging her civil rights and legal background (maybe labor or HUD?). But as a VP could undermine the “stand back and let the experienced professionals run the show” message that Biden seems to be going for.
Zero national or international experience and no getting around it.
In order- Mayor of a city of more than 100,000 is comparable to minority leader in a part time state legislature in which her caucus held little real power. Buttigieg lost a statewide race nearly a decade ago, Indiana’s also a deep red
As a Georgian who supported her gubernatorial bid, no. Please just go run for Senate, where we need you and you’re qualified, Stacey!! While ambition and self-preparation is great, they are not experience, and we need experience.
I like Stacey Abrams, but she’s less experienced than Mayor Pete or Beto who were both mocked by many for presuming they were ready to be President, what makes Abrams any more qualified than they were?
The couple from Arizona drank fish tank cleaner with chloroquine as an ingredient, which is insane. But if Trump didn’t act like it’s magic that Dr. Fauci was trying to hide away from the American public, they wouldn’t have gone looking for it.
When Trump said FDA approved it he was not talking about prior approvals, he very much meant in the now. The research on chloroquine in COVID-19 has largely been from Asian and European countries, but other world leaders are not lauding this drug yet. Doctors and scientists are still debating what can be meaningfully…
“Completely reckless” is the kindest possible way to put it. Criminally irresponsible and feloniously careless with human lives is in line with what I think of this wretched exctescence.
“FDA approved” was a lie. There is preclinical (non human) data and one french study in 42 patients. Clinical trials are ongoing. Pre-2020 data is available in other types of coronaviruses. Some hospitals are rolling this out in select patients. There is no time to vigorously test because “war time” rules.