
He doesn’t need to get behind anyone. All he needs to do is refrain from running as an independent once his campaign as a D runs out of steam. His endorsement would probably do more harm than good once the FEC decides what to make of his vow to give campaign funds away as the “pilot program” that he could’ve freely

I was listening to the last deabte as I was driving home and when Yang said, “I’m Asian, so I know a lot of doctors”. I actually said, “holy shit”. I’m Jewish and I’ll make jokes like Yang did, but I wouldn’t do it in mixed company.

The amount of brand-new commenters on this article is something else.

I don’t really harbor any negative feelings towards Yang*; or most of the democratic candidates (with the exception of Biden). But the primaries are fast approaching and we have to stop screwing around and consolidate support among the “not Biden” top tier candidates in order to defeat Biden. That means Yang is just

I mean, that just leans into the noxious “love you long time” stereotypes and shit, though. Just because these creeps are involved with someone romantically or sexually doesn’t mean they think of them as an equal or worthy of respect as a person.  Hell, they don’t even treat white women like that for the most part;

It’s that stupid (discredited) bell curve trope in which Asians are considered the smartest race, followed by white people with African Americans and Latinos as the least intelligent. White nationalists believe that shit.

There are a fair number of white nationalists and alt-right guys who are dating or married to Asians. It seems like cognitive dissonance, but it’s a real thing. 

“...White Nationalists find Asians to be the most agreeable non-white group in our society”)...”

How long will it be before the “Yang Gang” find this post and prove us wrong with memes and infographics? 

A melange of bad faith accusations lobbed at Sarsour—a Palestinian-American who is a vocal critic of Israel’s mistreatment of Palestinian people—accompanied fairer critiques of Mallory’s reluctance to distance herself from Louis Farrakhan

Good. Bye.

Imagine a mini-series is the price of your soul. 

Lisa Bloom already has a net worth of $5 million. Not that you have to stop trying to make money at a certain threshold of wealth, but what the fuck is the difference at that point if you get another million from Weinstein or a measly 700,000 from another celebrity divorce?

What even is this?! Never seen or heard of this ever. When I try to google it, the only place this shows up is a website named (I shit you not) Woody Allen Mob Lynching! I am crying I’m laughing so hard! This doesn’t even read like scientific documentation!! Oh my god my sides!!!!!!

I am so sorry this happened to you.

I was abused by a friend at 14.  I had never even kissed a boy at that point or seen an erect penis.  I didn’t have words to describe what happen and, even now, if I try to describe it, I falter.  My therapist says this reverting to this state is normal with people who have experienced trauma at a young age.

So, I’m just going to say that a child who has endured such a breach of trust from a parental figure is going to be confused, stilted in presentation, inconsistent (funny just like adult victims of abuse) in details. But just like Dr. Christine Blasey Ford said in her testimony to the house regarding her interaction

As always, Dylan Farrow shows up like a grown up in response from more nonsense and bullshit from Team husband-dad-has-a-movie-coming-out-and-wants-awards.

Quick fun point before I go into my rant: 69% of Americans do not own a firearm, despite there easily being 50-60 million MORE firearms in the country than there are actual people living in it.

That blind item ‘reveal’ is the most entertaining thing I’ve read today. I want to know why Lori Loughlin and Reese Witherspoon don’t get along!