
right? WTF is this horseshit? Oh, McGrath is a moderate Democrat? The horror! Since when is opposing the elimination of private insurance “kinda shitty”? A decade ago Medicare-for-all and no private insurance wasn’t even the median Democrat position, and now a moderate Dem with a military background running in fucking

Honestly, as a life long Republican, I’d vote for her if she decided to run for President. She’s former armed forces, fiscal conservative, against providing “free everything” but is pro abortion and probably fairly level headed with regards to issues such as gay marriage? Sign me the fuck up. It’s 2019. The left needs

Seriously. I actually think the way she worded that statement is fairly crafty. She’s not saying “I love Trump”, she’s talking about what people (erroneously) thought they were voting for (lower drug prices, less corruption) which *is* what Turmp was promising. And McConnell *is* opposed to what Turmp promised. It’s a

Seriously, even another conservative Republican would be better than Mitch McConnell. NIXON in his prime would be better than Mitch. She can say whatever she wants just so she gets a shot at taking that treasonous bastard down.

...but McGrath is a self-described moderate who believes the Democrats currently running for president are veering too far to the left. She doesn’t support eliminating private insurance under a Medicare-for-all plan, nor does she support subsidizing healthcare for undocumented immigrants. She also describes herself as

This might sound weird, but I feel like a lot of NYC parents give their kids a lot of freedom - this could be for city kids as a whole. I see kids riding the trains to school and all I can think of is... I would feel so weird letting my 10-13 year old hopping on the L alone. But not only are they on the L, they get to

Speaking of dates and timelines, most of the accusations against Trump happened around 1992-1996, and involved girls ranging from 12-15. All sorts of women Trump has paid for sex (and some he’s been accused of raping) throughout the years have claimed that Trump told them he reminded them of Ivanka.

Do you know what turns my stomach about this comment? He knew exactly how young these children were and didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. On first reading I thought (and let me be clear that I detest the vile pig of a president), “Oh, man. What a new light that comment takes on now.” I was thinking about

What strikes me about that Trump quote is that, in his circle, it would be assumed the men’s sexual partners were young. No middle-aged-or-older guy in that circle is bragging about sleeping with a girlfriend older than, say, 29, no matter how beautiful she might be.

Its pretty much assumed the woman in question here is Ghislaine Maxwell. it’s actually surprising the indictments don’t mention her at all which makes me wonder if she’s already a witness for the State.

Here’s the receipt from Monday night’s White House dinner. (Poor Christine LaGarde keeps getting stuck beside the worst Trump people!)

i said to a coworker today - i wonder if part of the reason kraft got a slap on the wrist (in addition to the fact he is rich, white, and powerful) is that there are bigger storms on the horizon! we are in new england, so, we there’s extra interest in that. but yeah i hope they all go down in flames.

You guys listen... I could of easily been one of these teenagers and taken advantage of by a rich dude. I know we want to think teens have common sense, but I definitely didn’t.

Yesterday I posted my theory that there’s a nexus between Epstein, Mar-a-Lago and the West Palm Beach massage parlors owned by the woman from China sure enough, last night there was a dinner for the Emir of Qatar, and guess who was there? None other than Trump’s pal Robert Kraft (the massage parlor’s favorite patron).

They will offer a settlement to her if she gets past summary judgment. They may offer it before that. They don’t want discovery from her while a criminal case is pending. They can’t let him testify if it goes to trial.

So this would’ve been in 2002. Awkwardly, just like this...

Epstein allegedly offered to help Araoz with her career and donate to AIDS charities (Araoz’s father had died of AIDS just few years before).

I can’t get the story of the supposed Mar-a-Lago party with 28 women, Epstein, and Trump, out of my head. 

I doubt Dr. Reisman accepts insurance.

The fact that Celeste and Madeline are so close is the problem. Celeste’s therapist should have given Madeline a referral to another provider, not treated her herself. It’s a conflict of interest.