
Well, yes and no... maybe a year ago I did some cursory reading about adoption since my husband and I probably won’t start trying to have kids before I’m 36 (due to, well, life... I’m almost 35 now), and he’s four years old than I am... so I started doing some research into assistive reproductive stuff as well as

From what I understand about adoption, there are indeed age limits in most places, the concern being about parents who are “too old” to adopt not being able to be around long enough to raise the kids. (Admittedly, my knowledge of adoption processes is limited, though.)

You can also ask at the front desk, when you're paying with your gift certificate, and let them know why you're asking - "I just want to check what the regular price for this service is. The gift certificate didn't mention it, but I want to make sure I leave an appropriate tip for the massage therapist." Depending

I don't know, either! I always avoid getting services in December, too, just so I don't have to deal with it. I'm also really bad about going to get haircuts regularly anyway, and usually let about 4 months go between them, so I've generally figured if I don't go in December then I don't feel like I need to also

Just chiming in to say best wishes to you and your mom.

This is amazing.

I would never go to a wedding without giving a gift, either, and I also give gifts when I decline wedding invitations (something off the registry wherever possible). My point was that it's rude to include registry info with the actual invitation because that comes off like an actual direct request or a demand for a

When I've done it, I seem to recall only having the option to purchase specific items. I could be wrong, though; I've only done it a few times. But it's felt really crappy to sit there and stare for an hour, trying to figure out what to do, when I've figured that I could maaaaybe spend like $75 at the most on a gift

That's honestly my issue with people who have Honeyfunds and only Honeyfunds. I've never had friends who did that who made sure to include a reasonable range of price points, and enough items. The couples were always adamant about "please do the Honeyfund! no gifts! no cash!" but everything on their Honeyfunds was

Exactly. You don't ask for gifts, and most people I know consider it rude to act like you expect one (even though most people of course do expect one - and it's reasonable to expect one, just not to act like you do). This includes the cardinal sin of don't put any registry info on (or enclosed with) your

UGHHHHHHH. I will do my best - you too!!! We don't even have kids yet and are already preparing for what we know will be a shitstorm. I had to have three wedding showers, despite manymanymany attempts to decline - there were just too many people (and a really large family in a couple of locations) that they were

Are we related? Because your brother and sister-in-law might be my sister-in-law and brother-in-law. And also my cousin. And also about 1/3 of my facebook feed. I DON'T UNDERSTAND.

Not sad!!! We were afraid that we wouldn't eat (had been warned by several people about this) and our venue offered to make up plates for us to take back of the kickass meal we served at the wedding - so when we got back to the hotel and we were starving, we had steak and crabcakes. (Should have asked for extra

So true. I planned my wedding to be three weeks after my comps for my doctoral program, figuring that if I had two giant things to be stressed about so close together, I couldn't get into too much of a black hole about either one of them. That was my "logic" when we set the date of our too-big wedding (which was

This is awesome. Love this so, so much.

Amen. I'd be right there with you, too.

I'll just chime in and say that wedding planners can be amazing for coordination of vendors and things and save you a ton of stress. Of course, ours was this weird lady that nobody liked except my mom - she wasn't particularly helpful at planning during the process, but she was the one my mom liked and my mom was the

Me too. All-women's college alumna here (not Sweet Briar, though), and I adored it for so many reasons and still feel such a connection to it all these years later - I'd be devastated if something were to happen to it. It's so upsetting to watch people lose their community, and to feel so helpless.

Agree. A fb friend of mine has a daughter who is a freshman there - and who adores the college and has really been thriving there - and it is just gut-wrenching.

Also, HUGE congrats for kicking ass so thoroughly on your defense!!!! Dr. Subdivisions, well done indeed.