
I think you nailed it right here. I think a lot of people who seek out all-women's colleges do so specifically in order to have an educational experience that serves as an equalizer and lifts women up, often for the very first time - and for some people it feels odd to have people potentially entering that arena

I'm sorry it's taken me a while to respond - but I wanted to wish you well!! Definitely do your best to speak up, and know that a good doctor will listen, and will not want you to have to repeat any bad experiences. See if your GP can help you find a neurologist who specializes in headaches.

Just make sure to notify them well in advance of that date that you don't plan to renew your membership, or else they might auto-renew, and there might be a "notification period."

Just came here to echo the sentiments of kitteneye and others. I didn't go to Sweet Briar but I did go to an all-women's college and I am grateful for every minute I spent there. This is painful to see, and I am so sorry for what you and the whole Sweet Briar community are going through right now. Women's colleges


I have no words.

In my complete and total ignorance, I didn't realize that having both sets of parents up top implied that both were hosting/paying, and when we were going to do invitations, I let my parents know that I liked that wording. My parents - the least formal people I know - balked, because they were hosting and paying for

Fully agree. Allow proper time for the B-list and it can be a great way to be able to have as many of the people you want to be there, be able to attend. But if you don't allow the time and don't manage it well, you'll offend people (many of whom likely wouldn't have been offended if they just hadn't been invited in

We had a B-list, and a System for it to try to ensure nobody would get offended. Both my parents and my in-laws had B-lists.

Holy shit. I was living in NYC at that time, and everyone was banding together to help one another. Your printers should have been among that group, helping. Shame on them.

Birth announcement with the kid's name misspelled? Yeesh. But then... there are so many creative names these days... how could you be sure? I feel like I'd think the spelling was weird, but assume my friends were trying to be creative in coming up with a funky new (bizarre, unnecessary) spelling for the kid's name.

CtrlAltDefeat also makes a good point, though - make sure you control who has *editing* privileges over the Google Doc, and who has read-only privileges. May I suggest that people email you their list of people/addresses to add to the list, and you have only one person (you) be in charge of actually adding them...

I know!! I couldn't believe it. It's gorgeous, too. My husband preferred my grandmother's because it's more traditional-looking, and we ended up going with my grandmother's (partly because I was just flabbergasted that he even cared at all, and I truly liked them both... still really love my mom's, too, though).

My dad does this with his cars, too. Rides them completely into the ground. My mom had to beg him for two years to at least get the front seats reupholstered when they were completely ripped up (just from wear-and-tear) and you could feel the springs. Even then, it was a whole second argument to get him to agree to

Hahahaha, love it. That's fantastic.

HAHHAHHAHA that is awesome.

Yes, but you have the good judgment to at least go to a corner to do this. You don't shout it in the middle of a quiet place. I think that's the difference.

Oh, Dads. Dads.

Ahhhhh wait ohmygod is that your dog in your pic? Loooooooooooove. That is all.

I love it. My dad has had an iPhone for longer than I can believe, but it's only been in the last few years that he's started referring to it as a "cell phone" rather than a "car phone" because he's finally stopped leaving it in his car and started taking it places with him. Of course, between taking it with him and