
Of course. Even if it doesn't come up in school, it can help to have an extra set of eyes looking out for her (and to let you know how she's doing if it does come up), and just being extra-understanding. And she can know that her teacher knows that if she needs a minute or a break or becomes overwhelmed or

I am so, so sorry.

Amazing. AMAZING. I love the Patty Griffin music I know, and now I need to go listen to more.

Mark, I really like when you do Dirt Bag.

Holy hell. Just watched that video, and HOLY HELL. She really is beyond amazing. I don't actually know that song but now I need to listen to it over and over and over again. What is that song??

Oh my g-d Kelly Clarkson NEEDS to do an album of Patty Griffin covers. NOW.

My NuvaRing *still* isn't covered - I just called my insurance company about this last week to try to figure this out! Last year my copay for it was like $50 and I freaking paid it every month until we hit our prescription deductible (after which it would have no cost to me), so when we started the year over and have

I used to work in a middle school... and I frequently joke that working in a middle school, even for a year, is the best kind of birth control that exists in the world. I loved it, but hundreds of other people's 12- and 13-year-olds: not for the faint of heart.

Married 4 1/2 years, but have been in small spaces and moving since then, so lots of our stuff (that we love) has sadly been in storage for a while. Some things have been spared the storage units and have come with us everywhere, some stuff I can't wait to get out of storage, and there are a couple of things that

If you stress that it's "naturally harvested" beaver anal gland secretions "from a small pond in New England" that has "an extremely limited harvest season of May through September" and your company only harvests the secretions of wild beavers who forage for their own food, your revenues will shoot way up. Forget

I was so nervous my now-husband was going to try to surprise me with a proposal - I hatehatehate surprises, and his family is all about surprises! for every! possible! occasion! - that I was getting super stressed out about it, because we had discussed that we wanted to get married, and had even discussed when we

I've had two friends who had Columbus Day weddings for exactly this reason, and I always had to wonder - who are these lucky people who get the day off for Columbus Day??? I was in grad school both years and one of those years I actually had a midterm that Monday morning at 9am that I couldn't go. I was so mad - it

So don't go. It's your choice. As others have said, it's a wedding, not a subpoena.

Aside from the super awkward storytelling later, all I can think is how can they be so confident that they won't drop the ring down a drain??? I'm such a klutz, and that combined with any nervous/excited energy, that would probably be the first thing I would do.

I'm so sorry for your loss and for all you and your family have been having to go through - this is just horrific. And the fact that the driver didn't even lose his license - I just don't have words. I am so, so sorry. I'm at a loss, but sending internet hugs in the hope that they can offer at least a little

Exactly. Where this Ritz Carlton was, where they went for the wine tasting, the entrance to the building is on 22nd Street - where they parked was on 23rd Street, basically on the back side of the building, so they would have had to walk the entire way around the block to get back to their car. And there aren't any

Barnard alumna here, and let me just say I think this would be awesome. I looooved it and think it'd be amazing. Then again, I think it'd be amazing for most people, so there's that, too. But I do hope they loved Barnard. I really can't say enough good things about it.

Oh those are amazing!!!


Those are GORGEOUS.