
This might be the most terrifying thing I've heard yet. UGH.

I clicked on this post to see if anyone had referenced My Fair Lady and the Ascot scene. That scene has the Best. Costumes. In. A. Movie. EVER. Love that you posted it.

Whoops - think I meant to reply to KatieKaBoom22, but can't figure out how to edit/alter my response. Sorry about that!

The other important things to consider is what you actually want to *do* in the mental health field and what the licensing laws are for that in your state. Want to do therapy? There are masters programs that will teach and train you to do that so you can get licensed to practice independently (social work, etc.).

I think they were! Something ridiculous like that. So many things wrong with this. The lady was trying to convince me that it all made sense and described the "technology" by talking about - "you know how, if you sing to your plants, they grow better? it's like that!" Uhmmm, yeeeeeah.

I had the best (and cheapest!) leg and bikini wax recently and was browsing through the products at the place before I checked out, and they carried the entire line of these harmonized waters! The lady started telling me about all the amazing miracles that they all seem to work. One client's cat no longer has cancer

Aww, thanks. Wish I knew the original source of the graphic, but I can only claim any credit for sharing it! Great way to illustrate the point, though.

Does this help? My brother sent me this ages ago and I definitely can't vouch for the numbers it uses, etc., as I haven't checked any of them out myself (and don't actually know the original source of the graphic), but... same basic idea.

Now playing

Seriously? Nobody has posted the theme from "It's Garry Shandling's Show" yet? I've never posted a video so I don't even know if this is going to work, but let's give this a try...

Ahhhhhh CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! One of the best 'commands' we ever taught our dog was "leave it" (often accompanied by "not yours" - and a quick reward of a cookie) - that one works wonders once they respond to it! So so so cute!!!! I hear you on the clean-shaming, too, and I agree with the other poster who commented

Nice! Never heard of this before but love the idea of using the oil/grease for baking and for the cast iron. Quantity of raisins?

That was what we did. Our wedding was over a holiday weekend and both sets of parents went absolutely nuts with the guest list (300 people... if anyone had asked my husband and me, it would have been about 1/3 of that size... but with 300 people in attendance, you can't exactly spend quality time with all the guests

Just wanted to add support and say you're not alone. Husband and I are in the same boat over here. This weekend was our first in I-can't-even-remember-how-long. It's always, "why did we wait this long?" and "let's not let this much time go by again," but in reality it's often something like once every 4-8 months...

Those are excellent. I really want to read the rest...

100,000 points to you for name-checking the brilliant Howard Ashman. How true that Disney's animated movies haven't been the same since.

Ahhhh the TABLECLOTHS. My mom went nuts on tablecloths and kept dragging me back to the tablecloth place to make sure I "loved" the tablecloths we'd chosen (which were the ones the florist had brought to our meeting and suggested, see how easy?). Finally went off on my mom and told her if, after the wedding, I

That's awesome! Two of my friends gave the coolest cacti as their favors. Spiky, awesome, funky-looking cacti. Was so sad I couldn't take mine home with me because it was kind of hard to pack in my luggage and I was scared of the TSA taking anything sharp (these were some seriously sharp cacti... freaking

I don't have any good suggestions - but am writing to say I have this problem, too, so you're not alone. Tried to re-connect with some old girlfriends I'd lost touch with and they all have babies between 3-18 months old, which makes it kind of difficult. No idea where to start meeting people at this point. Totally

I haven't commented on the new kinja yet, so I hope this works.

I'm also in MD and looked up the state laws this morning - from what I read (I've closed it since then so I don't have the link handy, but it was on the state Dept of Health & Mental Hygiene site), it seems this applies to private schools and daycare centers as well. It didn't seem to detail what's required to get a