
I just posted about this on another thread - after I slather coconut oil on my face and then get into bed, if I don't wait long enough for it to sink in first, my dog will jump on me and pin me down with his paws on both my shoulders as he licks it off my entire face. Makes me giggle every time. It's really good for

I do this too. Best stuff ever. Only problem is I have to give it a little time to sink in before leaving the bathroom, otherwise my dog tries to lick it off of me. It's actually really good for him (good for his coat, nails, etc. - but he's not supposed to eat too much of it) - but if I want the moisturizing

I'm not nearly quick-thinking enough to arrange my body in the air during a fall. I wish I knew how to improve at this without, you know, falling all the time.

Yup. Except I don't even remember learning about Malcolm X in school at all. How pathetic is that? I hope it's changed since then. A lot.

I love this comment. Showed it to my husband and he started to GIGGLE. Well done. Thanks for the laugh, especially in the face of all this crazy!!

Also, by the way - forgot to say - congrats on landing your dream job!! So awesome!!!!

Agree with everything that's already been said. Moved to Boston, just for one year, and found that we used a heated blanket all winter and it was great. (They make better ones now than the ones my grandma used to use where you could feel the wires. Ours is all fleece-y. Awesome.) Also, really good snow boots.

Everyone here is making really good points.

Yup... I'm right there with you.

This letter was just heartbreaking. Someone pointed out on another thread that her brother Ronan was tweeting about this during the Golden Globes - and I think I'd heard that Mia Farrow did as well. It's so amazing that this family is so supportive of each other, especially in light of all the difficulty they've

I'm one of the people who had known about the relationship with Soon-Yi but somehow missed this about his daughter - I guess I was too young at the time to hear about this, and didn't pay attention at the time? (I would have been in middle school, I guess.) I don't know. I've loved several of his movies, and don't

I was nodding along with your whole first paragraph - I was a huge Stojko fan, too, for exactly those reasons. He was always one of my absolute favorites. But WHOA - I'd stopped following him and haven't paid as much attention to the sport in recent years and had no idea about the comments he's made and such. Makes

I had the same thought, too. Hm.

Thank you for sharing your story. You said that you opted to feel pain so your future child wouldn't have to suffer - I think that is the most caring and loving thing anyone can possibly do for a child (not to mention probably the most difficult). I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you warmth and healing vibes.

Not just you - I totally agree.

That sounds horrendous - I am so glad things have improved so much!!! I used to get occipital nerve blocks and swore by them until I stopped responding to them a little over a year ago so it's been back to square one. My doctors have been optimistic about the botox but I didn't actually know anyone else who'd had

Thank you SO much for this. I'm in once-a-week territory these days (used to be twice a week, and headache severity used to be worse than it currently is, too), so I am so glad to hear this! I'm so glad yours are so much better now - this gives me so much hope. Thank you thank you thank you :)

That is so good to hear!!! Do you remember if you saw a benefit from the first couple of times you got them? I started a couple of other treatments (for sleep apnea, etc.) around the time of my first injections back in October so it was hard to tell how much improvement was due to the Botox, but I'm hoping the

Six months??? You have no idea how happy it just made me to read this. I just had my second set of injections about a week and a half ago and I am keeping my fingers crossed that they keep improving...

I like that - we've been living in the suburbs for about 6 months now (had always been in cities before), so I think that's why it's felt especially lonely lately - maybe finding friends with teenagers will be the key! We'd been starting to wonder if there were any other childless people around here and giving up