Facts too uncomfortable for you? Sorry about that. Good luck with Jill Stein. Your protest vote will really show us!
Facts too uncomfortable for you? Sorry about that. Good luck with Jill Stein. Your protest vote will really show us!
Who said you were? #readingcomprehension
I think we all knew about the latter, but probably not the former. Thanks, though...
It’s a style of art typified by the movement of feet to the rhythm of accompanying music. I don’t see it much these days, what with having to shout at the kids on my lawn looking for pokermans.
I like the costume. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That's actually fascinating
Just popped in to pick a nit. The catalytic converter doesn’t filter or trap, it catalyzes. It provides a substrate that facilitates reactions that break down unwanted byproducts of combustion. Nothing is trapped in the catalyst, it is reacted to something less harmful and released.
“Instead of being like, ‘Thank you very much, Mr. Trump,’ or ‘Trump did a good job,’ everyone’s saying, ‘Who got it? Who got it? Who got it?’ And you make me look very bad,”
I work for an IT firm that provides support so small/medium sized businesses. Windows 10's sneaky upgrades are causing a ton of issues, and it’s severely adding to our workload.
Windows 10 got automatically installed on a main receptionists machine. The database program did not work on Windows 10, and production halted…
Diversity is a good thing. Looking at every character and seeing if they should be female seems complete crazy to me. It’s rare that the gender matters at all in games (I mean storywise, not representation),so how do you have that conversation?
Different stories will resonate with different people, of course, but to me the idea of Nathan and Elena having a precocious daughter who wants to be just like her dad is way more interesting than any sort of father/son relationship they could have done.
I’d also like to add (since the time limit for editing my initial post expired), thank you for posting this. Calvin & Hobbes was almost therapeutic for me as a kid, and did a phenomenal job with portraying what smaller, weaker kids (like I was) had to endure. The fact that Calvin so regularly retreated into his own…
“I sold my friend the drugs she used to overdose, and I went to prison, but I learned *sooo* much about myself in the process ❤️”
You might want to work on your joke getting skills. Lord knows I have to work on my joke making skills.
I especially love the story ND was able to tell in that level just with the background (for example, the welders at the bridge) without explicitly telling us what happened.
Next up for bookies - the over/under on how many times this comment will elicit the whizzing sound of a joke going over peole’s heads.
LOL, and I mean that literally. Casting a Chinese woman as Japanese because hey, they all look the same, right? Not to mention, casting a CHINESE to play a Japanese... now that’s a can of worms.
Dude, this isn’t a Star Wars movie. Spoilers for the movie aren’t that big a deal. You’re going to be spending a lot more time playing the game. Do you really want to wait to see the movie first, and have it spoil the ending of a game that you’re going to be investing hours of your time in?
I was coming to say that crunch is fucking brutal but I don’t know how it could be eliminated other then delaying a game. It’s true that release dates can put a lot of pressure, so announcing a release date only after the game feels in a good state could help.
But I think you don’t understand the amount of “crunch”…