Gotta feel for the guy. He may have been something, if idiotic coaching hadn’t destroyed him.
Gotta feel for the guy. He may have been something, if idiotic coaching hadn’t destroyed him.
Imagine a newspaper staff (not just the editorial board) that goes to sleep every night fapping to Atlas Shrugged and you’ll have a better idea about where these guys are coming from.
“OC Register argues ... the vaccination bills and “pay your cheerleaders” provision are... government overreach”
F*cking Orange County. DUH
Yes, this is *not* pre-industrialized America - we vaccinate people and pay them a minimum wage, you lunatics.
Or at least re-happy.
it’s clear as day he say “fuck me! cumsies!”
A real blank killed Jon-Erik Hexum when he fired it into his temple. The wadding and whatnot in the round was enough.
You’re half right. It was loaded with blanks. But one of the blank casings go jammed in the barrel... And the rest is history and Michael Masse’s biggest regret.
Are we ruling out the possibility that he’s secretly sworn to the Dallas Cowboys, though?
If a hipster fakes their artisanal product and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?
I would have laughed so hard if it was a brand plug - like “he tied the umbilical cord off with red Beats by Dre headphones, the only headphones Iman uses before a game.”
As an animator that works on games, this speech really resonated with me. It’s hard to look through all the hate speech from gamers, but knowing that you are making someone happy makes it worth it.
Them duke boy are gonna be in a whole heap of trouble.
I had a 1977 Princess Leia action figure and still have it at my mom’s house. Maybe they are talking about later years or bigger versions (I have all the characters and they are about 4-5” tall) but my Leia still wears the white “help me obi-wan, you’re my only hope” dress and her hair is in buns.
3rd Party Publisher: “Why would we make our games backwards-compatible when we can reap the HD re-release profits instead!”
I loved the reboot, played it on PC and whilst I own an XBone (Halo only) I have no plans to buy till it's available on PC or even PS4 - I'm not rewarding them for their deal-making.
This should win a “Typo of the Year” award.
I have this weird issue where all of a sudden I can no longer advance due to fear, even though I know it’s a game. Dead Space is a great example. I’m a great shooter player, and I would always easily de-limb all the necromorphs.
Gamers: No one is happy.
I don’t think they made the face less attractive? It looks like a copy, more or less. That said, ‘realistic’ does not mean ‘average.’ Most people aren’t as fit as the trainer they based the body on, but the character is supposed to be a fighter, so she can’t just look like your average Jane?