
So true, I totally forgot you can get a speeding ticket XD [I remembered that there’s a speed limit, red lights and everything but I forgot that police pulls you over and actually gives you a ticket]. Also simple mobster routine missions at the beginning were my favourite.

For the record, I enjoyed Mafia 2 - but I agree with your comparison to the first one. The first Mafia told a completely original story with great characters and a gripping finale, while the second just seemed to lift all of its major story beats from Goodfellas, with a mostly one-dimensional main character to boot.

San Diego Sports: Just Decent Enough To Disappoint.

Jesus Christ, there’s nothing worse than hearing about someone’s fantasy team.

Very cool trailer and music trivia facts of the day House of the Rising Sun has been around since 1937 but Woody Guthrie rewrote the lyrics to what is known today. Also when The Animals covered the song they actually changed the gender of the narrator. In the Guthrie version it is about a girl that has to start

If you’ll pardon me, I’m off to go and watch Justified now.

I agree with the skins. When my boys were little and really picky eaters. Those skins, cooked through, but not crispy were one of the few things they ate quickly, quietly, no “I don’t like it” etc. My grandmother and mom used to do that too with skin from chicken thighs.

All of this is missing the point — that’s the Six Fingered Man who killed Inigo Montoya’s father cosplaying in the labcoat.

Well, the article IS about hotdogs and hamburgers.

Why would you lamb-ast him more something like that?

Wow The Flock isn’t sheepish about treading new ground in multiplayer games!

“Cinamin.” THRICE.

Spegetti and Cinamin and Gritz and Mayenaise spells P-a-r-t-e-e

If $135,000 seems like a lot just for emotional damages, it is worth noting that the baker did not just refuse them service. She also published the couple’s names and home address on the Internet and encouraged people to harass them. So there was much more emotional damage than just refusing them service.

That buzzing you hear is the sound of 10,000,000 conservatives getting outrage boners.

Don’t mind me, just putting this here.

I thought it was really well-preserved actually... the composition of the shots, the lighting, the movement, all recapture the look of the show really well. This actually convinced me a 3D-animated Samurai Jack could work really well.

I mean, if people don’t want to vaccinate their kids, they don’t have to - this bill isn’t requiring compulsory vaccinations. You can still choose not to vaccinate your children so long as you home school them and keep them out of daycare, right? Seems fair to me. I would guess that many courts would view preventing

Scioscia: Hey, maybe I can come up to your air-conditioned, spreadsheet-lined office and tell you not to sign a junkie for 5 years, $125 million.

The people at Gawker did a hell of a thing when they hired Greg Howard to write for them, and I am sure I’m not the only one who is thankful they did.