
Wow The Flock isn’t sheepish about treading new ground in multiplayer games!

Thanks, I had no idea that something I described as ‘nothing terrific’ is not a good film. This is my first day ever writing in English and visiting your planet.

“Cinamin.” THRICE.

It is good to know that Beard Growther is 100% backed by Beard Farmer. I never would have bought it, otherwise.

Spegetti and Cinamin and Gritz and Mayenaise spells P-a-r-t-e-e

Ahh, just look at this random and powerless commenter!

That’d be sweet.

Wait until you see the toilets!

That was my first thought as to why we won’t see it - it’ll take too long to evacuate the seats when people have to zig-zag out of the rows.

That’s why it will never happen.

Just imagine trying to evacuate this shit show.

Me, when I think about Foggy’s casting.

In a developed country like the US, drought amounts to “not enough water storage for the uses its being put to”, and “draining the lakes dry before farmers are willing to cut back.”

If you buy a tank and it can’t make it up the hill and over the wall then you’ve been had.

That was fucking funny.

Seattleites have also taken to hurling the little bags of shit their nerdily named life companions drop on the sidewalk over the telephone lines. It’s got to be some sort of affirmatory ritual. I imagine the bags decompose and grace passers-by with possibly the most well-curated dog shit possible, in a celebration of

If $135,000 seems like a lot just for emotional damages, it is worth noting that the baker did not just refuse them service. She also published the couple’s names and home address on the Internet and encouraged people to harass them. So there was much more emotional damage than just refusing them service.

That buzzing you hear is the sound of 10,000,000 conservatives getting outrage boners.

Don’t mind me, just putting this here.

I thought it was really well-preserved actually... the composition of the shots, the lighting, the movement, all recapture the look of the show really well. This actually convinced me a 3D-animated Samurai Jack could work really well.