
I mean, if people don’t want to vaccinate their kids, they don’t have to - this bill isn’t requiring compulsory vaccinations. You can still choose not to vaccinate your children so long as you home school them and keep them out of daycare, right? Seems fair to me. I would guess that many courts would view preventing

Scioscia: Hey, maybe I can come up to your air-conditioned, spreadsheet-lined office and tell you not to sign a junkie for 5 years, $125 million.

Ah but when you finally get that long adhesive snot out of your sinus cavity after a week or more of congestion it’s like you’ve discovered a new sensation: nose orgasm.

I figured that the Emperor just gave him longer cybernetic legs after his real legs got chopped off. It makes him more intimidating.

The people at Gawker did a hell of a thing when they hired Greg Howard to write for them, and I am sure I’m not the only one who is thankful they did.

Why do they have to be relevant? Not everything has to be about plot.

You aren’t being exposed to anything through their inaction. Get yourself vaccinated.

It’s great when you’re able to dish out justice against those people. Came across an F150 while driving my BMW, so I guess it was the opposite of the situation in the article. He was none too pleased when he came out to his truck. My car was fully in the lines too!


Sony doesn’t have the merchandising, Marvel does. They do for all of their licensed properties.

Wow you have no understanding of how any of this works do you

Better than Titanic 2. Back to kick some ice.

Jesus CHRIST. We know there’s not a magic hand that snatches back emails. Have we reached this level of “actually...”?

It will not be an origin story,“ Feige stated. “But, with great power comes great responsibility. It is inherent to who his character is. But we want to reveal it in different ways and spend much more time focusing on this young high school kid in the MCU dealing with his powers.”

Because Rocksteady has little to nothing to do with the port. It’s a completely different company, managed by that company. If anything it’s WB’s fault. Rocksteady doesn’t QA test the PC version. You’ve clearly never worked in a development studio. Stop acting like it.

Granted, I do the sensible thing and just uninstall many games after I finish them, keeping only their save data. I don’t need 50 GB of Killzone if I have no intentions of replaying it.

I don't think Rocksteady has too much involved in what this article is about. Rocksteady just makes the game. WB deals with all the marketing and preorder nonsense.

So what’s the solution? Pre-order bonuses do not seem to be going away, and you’re right, GOTY editions are becoming more prevalent. But as a consumer, I’d rather wait for a content complete, reviewed, patched game to be released than to put my money down on something potentially broken and bad. To me it sends a clear

It’s Team Ico. Both the boy and the gryphon are going to get fucked up, and at least one of them isn’t going to make it out the other side of this adventure.