
Have you been reading the comics lately? He runs around shooting people and shouting "Murdered you!"

This is what Ginny Diguiseppi normally looks like:

Thank you so much for the great feature and all the kind words! I'm so surprised and excited to see that people like my cosplay. As someone who sees my own face in the mirror every day, I have a lot more trouble seeing the resemblance than others do, but it's fun to hear that people are enjoying my pictures! :)

At first, I laughed pretty hard at what their idea of the PS3's lifetime sales looked like, but the more I think about it, I guess they kind of were like that. Not in exact numbers, sure, but in year-over-year sales, certainly.

IDC also predicted the industry would look like this by 2012:

This was inevitable, Journey was the first thing I and many others thought when we saw Monument Valley. That's a testament to both games.

I'm confused as to why you have a PS4 and not an Xbox One.

It's not the real CEO.

Aside from the superior hardware? I just recently purchased a PS4. I wanted one at launch but I went with the xbox one instead as it had more games that interested me at launch. But I will say this, I like the PS4 WAY more. Feature wise it is just way better. Overall I find the UI to be more simple and easier to

At least there was no clothes line.

Hey, I just don't think that this sort of thing should be shown on television. It is just too over the top. I don't want my children exposed to this sort of thing, and it is just not part of my belief system that this sort of thing is appropriate.

Vaginal Gorgonzola

'I find it weird that he would go to no classes and A&M wouldnt care"

That's a crap load of vodka

Matt, you are using a BS argument to foment outrage where there should be none. Your notion of rapidly detecting blood borne pathogens like HIV has no relevance to the world of Blood Banking. Blood Banks use screening tests, not diagnostic tests (if you don't immediately understand the difference you should recuse

Honestly, I'm getting tired of this growing attitude where fans think the story should be told the way they want it to be told. I've been getting sick of this attitude since Mass Effect 3. That's not how stories work. Someone writes it, someone else experiences it. The reader/viewer doesn't have to like it, but they

This is the shortest article I've ever written (< 300 words) that's drawn a "lots of words" comment.

Did have a guy do this crap and then cut me off and brake check me in rush hour traffic once... He told me to pull over...I obliged... ready to curb stomp whoever got out of this blue mustang... and low and behold...this 300lb half man half elephant Hispanic dude with a cross tat under his right eye and a tear drop

"Fine, talk about these 'Black Sox,' and read about them, and study them. But why publicize it on this... internet? I supported them and give them dime "steaks" from animals with hooves, and gently-used haberdashery, and conveyances with wheels, and boxes which could be used as residences. Who gave it to them? Does